13th Doctor

Secret Regeneration: Is the BBC Planning Not to Tell

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Secret Regeneration In this article from Radio Times, Huw Fullerton makes his case the BBC will have a secret regeneration if Jodie is leaving. Honestly, in Louisiana and watching Doctor Who on Louisiana Public Broadcasting, fans did know a change occurred. One also has to realize they began airing the series in the late 1970s with Tom Baker. At that time, Tom was the Doctor. So, they introduced Doctor Who with the Doctor who is the…

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Understanding: the Doctor is the Timeless Child

Understanding Where do you begin understanding the twist Chris Chibnall brings to Doctor Who? According to this article from Looper, The Timeless Child twist is as good a place as any. So, according to what we see in season 12, the Doctor is not a Timelord at all.  He/she is a child from another race with the ability to regenerate when he/she dies. Ok, why bring this out now? Doctor Who is over 50 years old, and this is hidden…

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HBO Max is Now Streaming Doctor Who Episodes

HBO Max Okay, my fellow Whovians, there is some good news. According to this article, HBO Max will stream Doctor Who episodes from the revived series. This is good news for Doctor Who fans, but they can see future premieres on BBC America. It makes a second avenue for fans to watch New Who. For those who don’t know the history of Doctor Who, the author gives a small amount of history. He explains how the changed the face of…

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Season 13: Rumor Has it Whittaker and Chibnall Out

Season 13 Fans old and new always want new information about Doctor Who. Then some of the news they find are rumors. Well, this rumor will grab their attention. According to this article, Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall are out after Season 13. There are some reasons why, and the article tells us what they are. Fans don’t care about ratings, but the BBC does. So, this seems to be the biggest reason for them not returning to the program.…

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Is There a New Master Plan

Master Plan After reading this article, there seems to be a theory that there is a new master plan. Of course, fans know an enemy like the Master doesn’t appear without an ultimate plan. So, there are questions to asked and need to be answered to help find the reasons for the return. Fans of Doctor Who know the Master is one enemy who will not just disappear. Yeah, Missy and John Simm’s Master killed each other in Capaldi’s last episode, but…

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Past Companions: A Great Idea to Bring them Back?

Past Companions Every fan of Doctor Who has one companion they love, and they will enjoy the return of that companion. Well, according to this article from Radio Times, Chris Chibnall has the same idea. The truth here is most if not all past companions were great. Whovians love them, and it was hard to see them go. Of course, Adric cannot return because he died helping the Doctor defeat the Cybermen. Then are others who we will not see…

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Genocide: Why Did the Master Do it?

Genocide Okay, Whovians, you have questions about the Master taking responsibility for the destruction of Gallifrey. It raises the question of why destroy the planet and commit genocide? Well, according to this article, fans are given a reason. Fans remember that Russell Davies placed Gallifrey in a time lock. By placing Gallifrey in the timelock, Gallifrey is safe and will not be destroyed. Then on the Day of The Doctor, fans see the Doctor walk away from destroying Gallifrey and…

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The Timeless Child: What Does it Mean?

The Timeless Child What does the timeless child denote? Why did Chibnall even bring this up at the end of Spyfall episode 2? These are just two of many questions fans are most likely asking. The Master tells the Doctor he is the one who destroys Gallifrey. Is he capable of such an act? Of course, anyone who knows and understands him knows he would. Well, this article from ScreenRant tries to give us an explanation of the timeless child.…

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Masterful Return: A Surprise Return of the Master

Masterful Return The last memory fans have of the Master was Missy and the prior incarnation killing each other. So, most fans were not looking for what takes place in Spyfall. As a fan, you look for something to ring you back to the past. Every fan knows the Master and has his or her favorite. So, why bring him back in the way Chris Chibnall does? Fans might deem this a masterful return for the Doctor’s old friend and enemy.…

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Ferocious: Chibnall teases about the Cybermen

Ferocious With any old villain On Doctor Who, or any other television shows returning foes need updates. Change to them is good and helps to keep them fresh and new. Well, Chris Chibnall teases fans both old and new with a description which raises interest. He describes the Cybermen as ferocious in this article. What meaning can one gain from the description of being ferocious? What comparison is there? Can anyone see Cybermen as being savagely fierce? How about being…

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