Character of each Doctor

Was the Second Doctor a Cosmic Hobo?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Hobo? I have heard many different things and ideas about the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton. Reading articles and hearing descriptions give me two or three and maybe more ideas of who is is as the Doctor. One, I have heard two or three times is cosmic hobo. Personally, watching him is slightly lacking. The reason for this is because is even when Doctor Who airs when I am a teenager, they do not show many of…

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Personality of the First Doctor

Personality Anyone who watches Doctor Who, can see that the Doctor is mysterious. This seems to be a trait of all incarnations. They really do not give much information about their early lives. I know that he tells us where he is from and his race, but there are other things which we do not know. Since, the beginning of the show, I can say for the First Doctor and maybe the Second Doctor. The mystery is very strong. Then…

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