
Richard Edwards, in this article, gives us his opinion the Jodie Whittaker era of Doctor Who is not vintage. There is truth found in the text of the piece. Fans remember the David Tennant years and how great the stories were. Steven Moffat did bring fans through the golden era, but the stories are complex at times. Honestly, Edwards believes Doctor Who has declined for some time. When one considers his view, his reference is of the Davies’ era.  Well, he right out says that.

There are differing opinions about Jodie’s time as the Doctor. Fans depending on where you fall like her at some point, but some blame Chris Chibnall for the failure. Whether you as a fan, believe it or not, some things are good. But when viewing, maybe some fall short. Honestly, bringing back the Master is probably the most exciting. While introducing the Timeless Child may be the most confusing. Some fans may not be confused by this, but it does give a big twist to the Doctor Who canon. The question is the Doctor why the Timelords can regenerate. If he is, how many incarnations has he had? Does this change the Doctor’s age?

Is the fact Chibnall addresses social topics a reason for his opinion? There are parts of the Jodie era where it lacks certain things. As a fan, there are times when watching Jodie is hard. Being busy with work and all makes it hard, but one makes an effort to watch. Many stories introduce new enemies that were to add to Doctor Who, but did it? If you want vintage to be Davies and Moffat, maybe he is right. The point here is, what is your definition of vintage? How do you judge the era? No, this has not been a great era, even though there are breakthrough pieces. How many fans are excited for season 13? Most are excited, and they are hoping for a better product on the television screen.
