True or False

Everybody has answered true or false questions sometime in their lifetime. So, from this article, there is a question which requires a yes or no answer. Some fans may want to think about and decide how to answer. Admittedly, some fans will not need any time to think about their answer, but on the other hand, others won’t be so quick to answer.

You may think the question is rather simple to answer, but then you may think well let me give that some thought. It seems like a very simple question on the surface, but for some who like to nuke, it won’t answer so quickly. Okay, you are wondering what question I am about to propose, right. After reading this blog post, [lease take as long as you want to answer the question.

To give everyone some background, sci-fi shows 86 percent of the time use males as the lead. Which means only 14 percent have females at the helm. Does that sound shocking to anyone? For some, it may because women have made real strides in every arena of the world. They are no longer for the most part no considered unqualified for most jobs. So what you have is women in high political offices, woman doctors and lawyers, and many other occupations in the world. So, why have the producers and casting directors of sci-fi shows not hired females to be at the helm?

There can be many reasons or even excuses why someone did not cast a female, but the fact Doctor Who cast Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor may change the landscape of sci-fi. You may not agree with that and that is your prerogative. But sometimes we all need to wake up and smell the coffee.

The article makes the point it will Jodie being witty and pushing the boundaries will change everything. Who knows at the moment the effect Jodie will have. The only thing which can be said is it will either be positive or negative. Either way, there will be something for fans to either celebrate or morn.

Enough on the background, it is time for the question. True or false will Jodie Whittaker being cast as the Doctor change the way females will be portrayed on sci-fi programs? The question seems fairly simple to answer, but then for some, it may not be.

true or false