The Controls

The TARDIS is a time machine/ spaceship from a highly developed alien race. Therefore, I believe that the controls are going to be different from anything I have seen before. Then from watching the show I find them rather earthly. LOL! Of course they are earthly, how do humans know what they should look like since they have seen alien space technology.

Of course , even the Doctor needs some way to control his spaceship, whether it is accurate or not. There is information that says that the TARDIS can be operated by simple telethapy. Although the Doctor chooses not to fly his TARDIS that way. He is more of an hands on type pilot. He feels more comfortable doing the flying by setting the controls with his hands.

After watching the First Doctor, I see that he uses the controls but not very well. Therefore I wonder why he even tries. Please use your mind man and get her to go to exactly where you want her, but of course that is not what he does. He is more satisfied with the randomness that ensues. Whether he uses the controls correctly or not there is always randomness when it comes to setting the controls when he departs.

After watching The Pyramid of Mars, I find that the Doctor is the only one who can pilot the TARDIS. There is a term for this and it is “isomorphic”. Ok, if this is true then how do his companions at times fly the TARDIS. Therefore, it makes me wonder if the Doctor was just pulling the leg of Sutekh.

While, I watch the classic series, there is not a whole lot that I see, and maybe it is because it has been so long since sitting a watching on of the these episodes. I remember seeing the Doctor running around the console like a maniac trying to fly the TARDIS, but that is not all. I remember there is like a video screen either on the wall or the console itself. This allows the Doctor see what is outside of the TARDIS on the planet which he lands. If I am a Time Lord, do you think I want to know about the place I land. Why, yeah!! Being able to walk out of the TARDIS and being able to breathe is important. So, the TARDIS must have scanner.

Since the shows reappearance, the production team brings new controls to the TARDIS. These are strange but good at the same time. The companions use them and then the Doctor does as well. One of these new controls is one the Doctor acquires from the Slitheen. The uses for this control is two fold. Captain Jack Harkness uses it to make a force field to protect the TARDIS and then the Doctor uses it to jar the TARDIS off course slightly be using it. oh, that is right you are wondering what this control is. I am sorry, it is a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator.

Amid all of this, there is word there is a instruction manual for the TARDIS. I am sure that I will find all the controls in it. The Doctor being arrogant says he does not need the manual. Of course, he needs the manual. Do you not think he can fly the TARDIS better with it. WHy YEAH!! I

t would tell him about everything to use to make the trips much smoother. Things like the “brake” and the “stabilisation”. At the same time. the TARDIS can be controlled remotely as seen with the Second Doctor and others. (1)