Susan Foreman

There has been a Rumor or Speculation That Susan is in the Vault, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Susan Is Susan, the Doctor’s granddaughter in the vault? I for one have not thought that Susan is the one in the vault. This to me is a rather curious thought by some whovians and reporters. Now, I know that there is allot of nostalgia going on in season 10. Steven Moffat is bringing back lots of old school enemies and things which are interesting in the the least. But why would Moffat have Susan in…

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Doctor Who First Doctor: The History of Doctor Who Part 2

First Doctor The First Doctor is a need for the program. I am not a producer or director so how they chose the actor for the job I am not clear on. Verity Lambert is the initial producer for Doctor Who. She and the first serial director Waris Hussein are shouldered with the task of finding the right actor for the Doctor. As a producer and director, there are criterias to meet and go by when casting the First Doctor.…

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Season 1: Serial 6 The Aztecs

The Aztecs The Aztecs as a serial for Doctor Who is meant as a history lesson for children. The producers and creators want to teach the children of 1963 about different historical aspects of the world. This is the second episode to do this with the first being Marco Polo. I believe the producers and writers follow the early ideas of being a children’s show very well. I believe our children need to know about certain historical events and people…

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Season 1, Serial 4: Marco Polo

Marco Polo There is one thing I know for a fact when it comes to the serial Marco Polo. I have not seen any of the episodes. This maybe the only serial which does not have any footage at all. The information I find it is that all they have are stills and audio recordings.(1) I find that the Doctor Who production team decides to make a serial about a historical figure a great idea. Realizing the show originally is…

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Season 1 Serial 3: The Edge of Destruction

Edge of Destruction As I recall, at the end of the previous story there is an explosion. This explosion knocks out the TARDIS crew. The fact the crew is knocked out leads to plot of the next story in Doctor Who. From my standpoint and what I can conceive. The explosion which takes place causes the crew not to travel anywhere, which means thy spend the whole story in the TARDIS. I don’t know how the people of 1964 actually…

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The TARDIS and its General Charcteristics

General Characteristics Being a fan of Doctor Who, one should know the general characteristics of the shows most recognizable element. The TARDIS is the calling card for the show. The idea to use a blue police call box for the mode of transportation for the Doctor is great. It really fits into the show because of the fact the Doctor does not want people to know what it really is. So, for this to be a reality the creators have…

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An Unearthly Child: The First Story of Doctor Who

The First Story Wow, the first story of Doctor Who has a strange beginning, or at least strange to this fan. I suppose this is a way for the creators and show runner bring interest for the show. Personally, I would not have thought to start the show with the TARDIS in a junkyard. To some people this will be trashy. A junkyard, really, how bad can you get. A junkyard does not scream high intelligence, but what it does…

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Jacqueline Hill aka Barbara Wright

Jacqueline Hill This lady, Jacqueline Hill, is one who basically set the standard for companions on Doctor Who. Before I read what I found I didn’t know she is the first companion and is the first one to speak on the series.(1) This is a shock. I feel rather bad because after watching An Unearthly Child I did not notice that. I usually pay more attention to detail than that. Personally I enjoy watching her on Doctor Who. I believe…

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Physical Characteristics of the Daleks What We Know

Physical Characteristics   The Physical characteristics of the Daleks are not easy to miss. As a fan, you will know them without a doubt when they appear. After watching the show as long as I have the look of a Dalek is embedded in my mind. This very popular enemy of the Doctor is a one of kind alien, when Nation has the idea to make them they are a big hit. The creature inside the tank like the shell…

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