general characteristics

General Characteristics

Being a fan of Doctor Who, one should know the general characteristics of the shows most recognizable element. The TARDIS is the calling card for the show. The idea to use a blue police call box for the mode of transportation for the Doctor is great. It really fits into the show because of the fact the Doctor does not want people to know what it really is. So, for this to be a reality the creators have to build a mysterious background for the Doctor.

The mystery continues for sometime because even at the first regeneration we do not know the Doctors planet of origin. At the same time, there information about the TARDIS is rather scarce as well. It is not until a later date do we gain more information about the Doctors mode of transportation and is does not come all at one time.

Most everyone who watches the show knows and sees the TARDIS as a blue police box from the 1950’s. But there is much more information to gain and know about the TARDIS. So, what I wish to do is try and tell about what you should notice about this really cool gadget.

To take a catch phrase from Transformers, there is more than meets the eye with the TARDIS. There is also additional information we receive after the revival of the program in 2005. What can’t understand is how something which consist of metal can be grown. But that is the information I have read.(1)  All I can say to that is wow. This is a machine and they grow them? At the same time, this is an alien machine and their technology is beyond ours so this could happen, but only in sci-fi.

Some of the information for the TARDIS comes early on in the program. One cool thing is the way the TARDIS gets its power to fly. The creators of the show have a great and innovative means. The main power source comes out in The Edge of Destruction in 1964. This power source is the “Eye of Harmony”. Now, how the Time Lords capture a black hole and suspend it is beyond me. Therefore I cannot really elaborate too much on this, but wow it is great. The minds who create the show know how to get your attention. There are other sources which are as much a part of the power though.

Another power source is from the universe itself. Therefore when the TARDIS travels to a parallel universe in the Rise of the Cybermen, it cannot work with crystal power. These crystals draw their power from the Doctor.(2)

Some of the ideas they use for the functioning of the TARDIS is down to earth, but then some of them are most definitely fiction. The imaginations that come up with these were out there. I really do not know if I can find such ideas in mine. One I see as down to earth is the use of mercury in fluid links. The First Doctor uses these to get the crew to travel to the Dalek city in the second serial of the show. The Sixth Doctor required Zeiton 7 and travels to Varos to get this rare ore. The Hand of Fear gives us a crystal which is needed for the proper function of the TARDIS and that crystal is trachoid time crystal. How about these two. They are very out there if you as me. Then one other out there energy is huon energy.(3)

Outside of the mercury being from the earth and really not that cool, the others are very imaginative and way cool. The minds who come up with those deserve their pay checks.

Okay, I want one of these time and space traveling vessels. The TARDIS would be cool to own and fly all over the known universe, but I cannot just go to Gallifrey and take a TARDIS for myself. They can only be flown by a Time Lord, right. Well, yes and no, because of a little device which goes by the name of “briode nebuliser”.(4) This cool device stores the imprint of a Time Lord and primes the TARDIS for flight. I ceratinly hope if I find one of these a Time Lord has taken it out already. Otherwise, I am grounded.

Probably the most recognizable general characteristics is the fact that the TARDIS is bigger on the inside than on the outside. This is always a surprise moment for the companions when they first enter the TARDIS. The unbelief is amazing. I would be the same way. My reaction would not be any different from any of the people who see the outside and say no way. But of course this is alien technology and really makes the show interesting.

Another general characteristics is the way the TARDIS travels through time and space. For the most part all we see is the TARDIS dematerializing at one point and rematrerilizing in another. Although, there are scenes which show the TARDIS flying through space. In these scenes, the TARDIS is rotating while moving through space. My though on this is that is not time travel but simple space travel.

This little blue box has allot more to it than meets the eye and I can tell you I do not know all thee is to know about this amazing gadget of the Doctor.