sixth doctor

Understanding: the Doctor is the Timeless Child, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Understanding Where do you begin understanding the twist Chris Chibnall brings to Doctor Who? According to this article from Looper, The Timeless Child twist is as good a place as any. So, according to what we see in season 12, the Doctor is not a Timelord at all.  He/she is a child from another race with the ability to regenerate when he/she dies. Ok, why bring this out now? Doctor Who is over 50 years old,…

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Valeyard: Mystery to be Explored

Valeyard In the late 1980s, John Nathan Turner brings a character to Doctor Who called the Valeyard. Those who watched The Trial of a Time Lord knows who he is. In this article, the writer talks about the history of the Valeyard. He gives the reader an idea of his character, as seen from The Trial of a Time Lord. Fans who saw the last episodes of Colin Baker find out he is a ruthless person, only desiring to gain…

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Victorious: Fans See The Creation of the Valeyard

Victorious Those Whovians who remember the last fourteen episodes of Colin Baker can’t forget the Valeyard. The Doctor’s alter ego and his worse nightmare. Well, according to this article from ScreenRant, his greatest nemesis is from the future. Well, when you watch the series, the master tells us the Timelords use the matrix to create the Valeyard. Victorious points to the time frame being around the Doctor’s twelfth regeneration. Is what Victorious points out the truth? The way the Time…

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Wronged: the Way Colin Baker Felt

Wronged Some fans may not know why Colin Baker is absent from the regeneration scene. Well, Screenrant tells us all in this article what happens in the late 1980s. What happens is a surprise for some fans, while other fans already know what happens. For most fans, they see it as Baker being wronged. The BBC announces they have cast a new actor to play the Doctor. So, what do fans expect? What does the showrunner have to have to…

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Harkness, Captain Jack Meets the Sixth Doctor

Harkness How do you begin to talk about this little audiobook set from Big FInish? According to this article, Big Finish is working on a new audiobook with John Barrowman playing Captain Jack Harkness. Of course, everyone who loves Doctor Who knows that timelines are not a problem. Because of time travel, the Doctor can and does at certain times meet up with other characters from other times from his life. Honestly, this idea not impossible. Anyone who watches the…

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Huge: Big Finish Announces Biggest Release

Huge This article from Digitalspy gives us something huge. As a Whovian, there isn’t much better to hear, than more Doctor Who is on its way. Whovians around the world can celebrate because of this news. There is not one Whovian who will not be pleased with this. As many Whovians know, Big Finish release audio plays for Doctor Who and has been for 20 years. This Whovian applauds this publisher for the work it did, is doing and will do…

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SIgned: Colin Makes Known in an Autograph

Signed As a fan, I find what Colin Baker did cool and sweet. According to this article by the Radio Times Staff, Baker signed a photoshopped photograph of him and Osgood. How great is it for a former Doctor to sign a picture, and tell you he wishes you were his companion? On the other hand, how does it make Nicola Bryant and Bonnie Langford feel, Peri and Mel respectively? Okay, we all can see this great, but what does it…

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Part 6: The Doctor Seems to Have a Mindwarp

Part 6 The previous episode ends with Crozier placing the helmet from his brain machine on the Doctor. Crozier does so after being asked by Sil if it can be used to extract the truth from the Doctor. At the being of part 6, we see the Doctor act as if he has brain damage. As a viewer, I begin to believe the evidence of the Valeyard has been made up. The amount of time since the Timelords removed him from…

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Part 5: a Mindwarp is at the Center of the Plot

Part 5 The series of events which are a part of the Mysterious Planet is over. In part 5 of the Trial of the Timelord,(1) the Valeyard takes the court to another place in the universe. In this part of the series, we meet Sil from Vengeance on Varos again. The Doctor and Peri travel to Thoros Beta, Sil’s home planet. At this point in the trial, I expect nothing less than tension and stress in the courtroom. And that is…

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A Summary of The Mysterious Planet: The Trial of a Timelord

Summary There are three separate stories within the fourteen episodes of The Trial of a Timelord. Therefore, a summary is necessary after the first four episodes. Everyone who watches season 23 sees the premise of the trial deals with the Doctors actions. The Valeyard is doing his best to frame the Doctor and make the High Council believe his getting involved in the events on Ravolox is behavior unbecoming a timelord. Robert Holmes wrote a good story. The use of…

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