
How do you begin to talk about this little audiobook set from Big FInish? According to this article, Big Finish is working on a new audiobook with John Barrowman playing Captain Jack Harkness. Of course, everyone who loves Doctor Who knows that timelines are not a problem. Because of time travel, the Doctor can and does at certain times meet up with other characters from other times from his life.

Honestly, this idea not impossible. Anyone who watches the program sees the many time zones, planets, and people every Doctor meets. Honestly, this should be an audiobook set worth every penny. One can only imagine how Captain Jack and the Sixth Doctor will mess. Those who love Harkness will most likely rush out to buy this set.

Of course, Sixth Doctor fans will be just as excited. Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor is always amazing. Or at least that is the view of some Doctor Who fan, but the article makes it sound as if the Sixth Doctor dies. That could be a wrong interpretation, but the captions give the reader that idea. Ok, maybe that is not what is happening, but it seems that way.

The best thing seems to be that Captain Jack takes on the mantle of the Sixth Doctor, or becomes the SIxth Doctor. What are your expectations? As well as, how do you see it playing out? Fans won’t know any of the actual details until Big Finish completes the series and releases it to the public. What this does do is give Captain Jack Harkness fans something to look forward to hearing.

This idea is one which can be very good and make Doctor Who fans happy. They are always looking for a good Doctor Who stories to listen to or watch. Thanks to Big Finish the fans have another avenue to hear Doctor Who stories. Big Finish seems dedicated to keeping Doctor Who alive, and fans are grateful for their work.
