Season 11

Negativity: Why Is There Still so Much, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Negativity Where to start? Well, there is another question as well. Why is there so much negativity about Jodie Whittaker? Yeah, there are things about her fans do not like, but isn’t that the case for all the previous Doctors? There is a little something about every Doctor fans did not like. There is not one of them perfect by any means, so why does Jodie continue to get bashed? Admittedly not everything has been great,…

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Viewer Ratings: Season 11 Has More Viewers

Viewer Ratings There are some Doctor Who fans who wish to belittle and make a negative out a positive. Some may know what is meant by this, but then others may not. It is quite simple for someone who has seen the negative comments from Doctor Who fans who seem to be against everything which took place with Doctor Who. The hope is this does not come across as bashing those people because they have a right to their opinion.…

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Shift: Let’s Get a Shift on the Catchphrase

Shift During the second episode of Season 11, the Thirteenth Doctor uses the phrase “Let’s get a shift on.” The fans of the show shouldn’t have much trouble understanding what she means. What is good maybe even great is that it is new. If you research whether they all have phrases or word to remember them, not everyone has a catchphrase per say, but several do have phrase fans remember. So, maybe, the Thirteenth Doctor has a catchphrase. Then if she does,…

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Sci-fi Naturalism: Chris Chibnall Using Truthfulness

Sci-fi Naturalism Okay, many fans are probably wondering what do you mean by sci-fi naturalism? Well, in this article from Digitalspy fans will find the meaning. So, fans may also ask how do you come up with such words? Well, maybe one day you will see Mandip Gill, and you can ask her. Change is the basic premise for Season 11, and everyone knows about the new production crew and cast. But there are other changes as well. For many people…

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Standalone: Season 11 Won’t Have a Main Story Arc

Standalone Doctor Who fans have for the last thirteen years have watched episodes tied together by a central theme. Which gave them an idea what to look for as the watch? Well, in this article, the producer confirms there isn’t a story arc for Season 11. So, what does this mean to fans? First of all, it means each episode will be standalone. Not having a story arc makes fans ask the question how will this help the show?  Will…

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Teases: Whittaker & Chibnall Tease Fans on Episode 1

Teases Fans of Doctor Who as the premiere of Season 11 nears the BBC is slowly leaking information about Season 11. According to this article by Huw Fullerton of Radio Times, Jodie Whittaker teases fans about some iconic dialogue in The Woman Who Fell to Earth. Now, Whovians are wondering what she means by this? Fans, especially those of the classic series, have so much classic dialogue and new who dialogue it can be. Where did Chibnall go to get…

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Enough: Chris Chibnall Has Heard Enough

Enough Chris Chibnall has heard enough about not having Daleks or Cybermen in Season 11. In this post from Jodie Whittaker’s Facebook page, fans find out why he chose not to have them. Chibnall has every right to go in a different direction. He is the showrunner after all. Yeah, yeah, some fans figure Chibnall will not do a good job, and they have already decided not to watch Season 11. Then there are those who don’t know much about him and…

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Savior: Ray Winstone Helps Doctor Who With Walsh

Savior Savior seems to a strange word for this, but the title may be given to Ray Winstone. In this article from Radio Times, they mention Walsh could have had doubts about his job on Doctor Who, because of several different reasons. Well, one may want to ask how someone would be called a savior. This is a case of one man being very convincing. Winstone may have had several conversations or just one or even a couple. The article doesn’t…

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Romance: There Won’t Be Any in Season 11

Romance A romance is not something fans expect between the Doctor and his companion. If you fall into the category of seeing the Doctor above loving relationships outside his race, you will love the news in this article. Watching Doctor who as long as I have, there always seems to be some attraction between the Doctor and his companions. Okay, everyone figures since he is a male, he will have some desire to have a romantic interest. That is true to some…

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Binge-Watch: See Every Episode of the Reboot

Binge-Watch Okay, I know this is not great news for everyone, but for Doctor Who fans in the US, it is. According to this article from The Wrap, BBC America will air every episode of the reboot before the premiere of Season 11. Which allows fans to binge-watch every episode. The only word for that is wow. One does need to understand, everyone who is a fan can watch them all. Of course, that statement may not be right either.…

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