
Doc: Graham Does Not Seem to Say Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Doc Alright, for what seems to be for the First time, a companion refers to the Doctor as Doc. So, what do fans think about that? Is there something special about Graham calling her by that name? Maybe there isn’t a reason for it, but it does seem a bit strange to some fans. As long as Doctor Who has been on the air, there does not seem to any other time where one of the…

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Too Much: Are All the Changes a Little Overboard

Too Much Having a blog means you write about whatever your passion is. Well, mine is Doctor Who and this season fans watch a completely different show than what they saw the last ten years. This article gives many different changes to Doctor Who which points to those changes being the biggest ever. Even though they are the biggest, there is a question to ask. Are all the changes too much too soon. Everyone who is a fan needs to understand…

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Rosa Parks: There Are Still Some People

Rosa Parks Chris Chibnall in Rosa returns Doctor Who to its roots. Doctor Who fans who started watching in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s remember the historical episodes. There were several including The Aztecs and the Romans to name a couple. When Doctor Who started in 1963, Doctor Who was to be a children’s show used to teach children about history. So, during the first three years of the show, they shot some historical stories including The Aztecs and the…

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Biggest Change in the 55 years of Doctor Who

Biggest Change Over the 55 years of Doctor Who, fans have seen 12 different actors portray their hero the Doctor. Season 11 introduces the 13th person to play the Doctor. This article makes a case for Season 11 has the biggest change. Those who have been fans since either the 60’s, 70’s or 80’s saw changes on a regular basis. The first change was when Barbara and Ian left. Their moving on started something which helped Doctor Who become what it is today. History does…

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Shift: Let’s Get a Shift on the Catchphrase

Shift During the second episode of Season 11, the Thirteenth Doctor uses the phrase “Let’s get a shift on.” The fans of the show shouldn’t have much trouble understanding what she means. What is good maybe even great is that it is new. If you research whether they all have phrases or word to remember them, not everyone has a catchphrase per say, but several do have phrase fans remember. So, maybe, the Thirteenth Doctor has a catchphrase. Then if she does,…

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Song: Big Finish Confirms Series 6/7 for River Song

Song There are many Doctor Who fans who are wondering when River Song will return to Doctor Who. There may be a possibility for television, but it is less likely than audiobooks by Big Finish. According to this article from Doctor Who News, Big Finish is making a set of audiobooks with River Song as the many characters. Big Finish has produced five audiobooks in the series The Diaries of River Song. Fans now have confirmation Big Finish is producing…

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Tate and Tennant: The Tenth Doctor and Donna Return

Tate and Tennant Donna Noble fans there is good news. According to this article, Big Finish is making a new Tenth Doctor audiobook starring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. There is also a bonus as well, Wilfred will also return. For some fans, Donna Noble left Doctor Who too soon. The way she works with the Doctor isn’t like anything fans see with Rose and Martha. The way Tate and Tennant play off each other is…

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True or False: Could Doctor Who Change Sci-fi Shows

True or False Everybody has answered true or false questions sometime in their lifetime. So, from this article, there is a question which requires a yes or no answer. Some fans may want to think about and decide how to answer. Admittedly, some fans will not need any time to think about their answer, but on the other hand, others won’t be so quick to answer. You may think the question is rather simple to answer, but then you may…

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Hype: Episode One Lived Up to It

Hype Leading up to the premiere of The Woman Who Fell to Earth, the BBC made much of the new era and Season 11. The hype fans received was there and some of them did worry because of unknowns. But what fans saw was just what the BBC promised. The use of Jodie Yorkshire accent is perfect. That is something which comes across really great. The way the cast worked together is another part of the show which did well.…

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Sci-fi Naturalism: Chris Chibnall Using Truthfulness

Sci-fi Naturalism Okay, many fans are probably wondering what do you mean by sci-fi naturalism? Well, in this article from Digitalspy fans will find the meaning. So, fans may also ask how do you come up with such words? Well, maybe one day you will see Mandip Gill, and you can ask her. Change is the basic premise for Season 11, and everyone knows about the new production crew and cast. But there are other changes as well. For many people…

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