Peter Capaldi

Excitement for Things to Know about Seasons Ten, Spoiler Alert Maybe, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Excitement As I write this post, the excitement I feel is growing. I am so ready for season 10 and just can’t seem to wait. I am constantly looking for new information on the next full season of Doctor Who. Doctor Who is my favorite science fiction show of all time. I like others such as Star Trek and all of its different shows, but I never got hooked on it like I do Doctor Who.…

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The Amazing Costumes of the Cybermen

Costumes Doctor Who fans know when they see Cybermen. Their costumes are unmistakable. These Cybernetic beings are made of metal, but as I found when looking up this part of the Cybermen. The materials they use in the beginning are not all metal. Now, fans most likely expect metal, but that is a little naive to think that way. When I consider the costume, I do see that it is not cost effective nor is it going to be easy…

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Major Changes Maybe Coming Soon to Doctor Who

Major Changes Major changes to Doctor Who may be on there way.(1) This is something I found out yesterday while scrolling through my news feed on Facebook. Now, I will say personally this may not be something I will like. Myself along with other fans have grown accustom to the present Doctor, Peter Capaldi. I also like him as the Doctor, as a result I ask the question why. Before answering the question, I want to delve into some of the…

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Michelle Gomez Confirms Return of Missy in Season 10

Return of Missy The Master/Missy has been a part of Doctor Who since the early 1970s. Since the character first appears, it seems there is at least one story where every Doctor must face him/her. This will carry on since Michelle Gomez confirms the Return of Missy in Season 10. To a long time fan, this is great news. I believe that the Master/Missy makes the program better. The long time enemies and one time friends are always a great idea…

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The Weeping Angels mini game by BBC Taster

Weeping Angels Are you afraid of Weeping Angels? Do the Weeping Angels creep you out? Well, recently there is the release of a game which has these creatures in it. I can say that it is a Halloween treat and so does the article I found.(1)  I do not know about other Doctor Who fans but this maybe a cool game. From what I can remember the idea which surrounds the Weeping Angels is don’t blink. This of course means do…

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The Doctor’s TARDIS a Type 40 TT

Doctor’s TARDIS The first time I see the Doctor’s TARDIS as a child, all I see is a blue box. I did not know until later that it is a Blue Police Call Box. Hey, I was only 9 years old and I really did not care what model it is. After watching the program for several years, I remember the Doctor saying that he had a Type 40 TARDIS. I also seem to remember him saying that it is…

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Here’s The Cast for The Doctor Who Spin off Class

I know this is a little late, so please forgive me for that. This announcement came back in April. Consequently I am more than day late and dollar short. Hearing about another spin off of Doctor Who is wonderful news and most whovians already know about the show Class. I know about and I am really looking forward to seeing this new show, and the cast is going to be who makes the show. I wrote about this spin off…

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The TARDIS and its General Charcteristics

General Characteristics Being a fan of Doctor Who, one should know the general characteristics of the shows most recognizable element. The TARDIS is the calling card for the show. The idea to use a blue police call box for the mode of transportation for the Doctor is great. It really fits into the show because of the fact the Doctor does not want people to know what it really is. So, for this to be a reality the creators have…

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Physical Characteristics of the Cybermen

Characteristics The Doctor has several different enemies which return every so often. As a result, there seems to be some sort of change in there appearance. Now, with the Daleks that is not the case most whovians can see. But then you have the Cybermen! Their characteristics are very noticeable. Therefore if a Doctor Who fan sees a story and cannot recognize a Cyberman there is something wrong. The look of the Cybermen are basically the same and you can…

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Michelle Gomez to Return As Missy

Michelle Gomez Spoilers are not a new thing and I really do not know if you call this a spoiler. I also do not if you call this a rumor either. Today, while searching for a information for a post I found this. Well, okay I cannot call it a rumor because this information comes straight from the horses mouth, lol. These words are from Michelle Gomez herself. Consequently, I personally can feel some excitement about this. When Steven Moffat…

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