Jodie Whittaker

Make My Day: Meeting Jodie Whittaker Would, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Make My Day To make my day as a Doctor Who fan would be to meet the person playing the Doctor. What a thrill it will be to stand next to Jodie Whittaker for a photo. Wow, how that would feel and what a grand experience. Well, there were a few fans who went to Twitter and posted pictures with Whittaker. Eleanor Bley Griffiths wrote about it in this article. Wow, what a fan would do to…

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Description of Jodie’s Doctor Gives Hope

Description In this article, Huw Fullerton says, “the BBC gives us a description of our new Doctor in a press release.” As fans, we are looking for anything and everything new for the upcoming season. We all are on the edge of our seats as we wait to see our new Doctor. Most Doctor Who fans can hardly wait for Season 11. We all know the airing of the new season is not going to happen until the fall. Which…

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Premiere: Great News About Jodie’s First Episode

Premiere Huw Fullerton reports in this article, tells about a competition the BBC has to win two VIP tickets to the Season 11 premiere. At the same time, the winner and a guest will meet the Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker. Wow, this is a great competition! But for many fans in the USA, it is out of reach unless you have a way to get to London. Diehard Whovians would kill for the chance to meet the Thirteenth Doctor and anyone…

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Tunnel: Whittaker Was One of Panic and Excitement

Tunnel Sarah Doran, a journalist from Radio Times, wrote this article about Jodie Whittaker. In the article fans find out Whittaker is a tunnel of both panic and excitement before the announcement of her casting as the Thirteenth Doctor. To be honest, who would not have the same emotions that Whittaker had. Whether she is a Whovian or not is not clear, but any actor would feel the same. Doctor Who is most likely the most iconic show produced by the…

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Mind-blowing: This Fan Hopes Season 11 Does

Mind-blowing Huw Fullerton wrote this article which raises many fans to hope for great stories. Jodie Whittaker, the Thirteenth Doctor, describes Season 11 episodes as mind-blowing. But Doctor Who once again will have to wait until autumn to see new who. Don’t get me wrong because I love watching reruns, especially classic Doctor Who. But having to wait that long for new Who is crazy. You would figure the BBC could find a way to get the show on the air before then.…

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Revealed: Jodie Whittaker Helped with Her Costume

Revealed After reading this article by Huw Fullerton, this fan was a little surprised. Fullerton revealed that Whittaker had a hand in designing her costume. Of course, this may not be that big of a surprise to some Whovians. An actor or actress helping in the design of their clothes for their character may be commonplace. Having this revealed helps fans to know where the costume comes. Having the actor or actress help with the design very well can be…

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Ten Days: Regeneration is Coming & I Can’t Wait

Ten Days As I sit here and write this post, I realize that it is only ten days til the regeneration of the Twelfth Doctor. There are many Who fans that just don’t like this idea. But times change the BBC wants something different. So, on Christmas our favorite Time Lord will regenerate into a new body. This time it will be Jodie Whittaker and I am hoping things go very well. I can so to some extent there is…

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Regeneration: First Look at 12th Doctor’s

Regeneration Everyone who is a fan of Doctor Who always wants to know how the Doctors regeneration will go. Well, according to Radio TImes in this article, the BBC released a trailer revealing it. Yes, this post has spoilers in it. Now, I am not one who really wants to know how before it happens. I am not a big fan of spoilers so I really do not want to see it. But I will place the video on this…

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Doctor Who Fans Want Jodie to Sound Northern

Doctor Who Fans Doctor Who fans have spoken! Okay, what did they say about the Thirteenth Doctor. Personally, I have not heard Jodie speak so I truly do not know what I want as far as an accent goes. According to this article  from Radio Times, Doctor Who fans want WHittaker to keep her northern accent. I neither know what that means nor I have ever heard her speak. I believe that most of the Doctors except maybe David Tennant spoke…

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Wilfred Mott: His Idea to Travel with the 13th Doctor

Wilfred Mott There is one thing I can say about Wilfred Mott, and that is I love his character in Doctor Who. In this article from Radio TImes, Bernard Cribbins desires to travel with Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor. This is not the first of past characters and actors who approve of the change in the Doctor. The big thing about Cribbins is that he had no idea of the change of the Doctor. He said that he thought they were going…

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