Ninth’s Return

There is good news for Doctor Who fans. At least for those who are fans of the Ninth Doctor. Who cares why Christopher Eccleston left the role of the Doctor. There very well be some bad feelings for some fans. Things happen, and people make choices they feel are right for them. As fans, some may get mad about Eccleston leaving the role of the Doctor. But in this article, there is confirmation of the Ninth’s Return.

According to the article, he didn’t use his catchphrase fantastic as he announces his return.  In his hand, he displays the script from Big Finish. Looking at his expression, one can’t gain much insight into his feelings. Or maybe it does give fans an idea of his feelings. Yeah, he may not look all that excited, but some fans are. Some fans hated it to see him go. Honestly, he is one who doesn’t seem the best. Should we fans fuss over him leaving? Some may, but it was his choice. Did some fans didn’t appear in the 50th-anniversary story?  Sure, he chose not to be apart of the story.

The Ninth’s return is good for Doctor Who. See, if Davies does lobby the BBC and convince them to let him bring back Doctor Who. We don’t have a Ninth Doctor. Applause go out to Davies and Eccleston for being bold enough to do that. Thank you both for what you did. Fans should also thank Big Finish for keeping Doctor Who alive. Fans have stories upon stories from Big Finish.

Let’s look forward to more from Eccleston and Big Finish. They are starting from here, and they will do more. Why Eccleston left or why he is coming back is not the issue. But the biggest news is he wants to do Doctor Who again. That is good whether you like him or not.

Ninth's return