New TARDIS Revealed


The new TARDIS revealed and to me it is not what I am looking for in the reveal. This is something which is done when a new Doctor starts. A new TARDIS does nit come with every Doctor, but they do change the TARDIS from time to time.

According to this article, the biggest change is that the St John’s Ambulance Logo is no longer there. This I don’t think is a big change. What I am wondering is how will the interior change. This is an exterior change and is not something I am worrying about. The bigger question for me is how the interior will change to fit the new female incarnation of the Doctor?

I don’t know whether they will reveal the interior before the first full story of Jodie Whittaker or not, but it will be nice not to know. We know that it can change and if the regeneration energy destroys the interior which took place in the past. As a result it gives them an opportunity to change in the interior.


This is one part of the Doctor we see change with every regeneration. Sometimes it is for the good and then others are not as good. Colin Baker’s is the first to come to mind. The changes this time should be reflective of the new female incarnation.

After seeing the new outfit, I am not that enthused. Now, it may not be great for me but others may like it. Now, I do like the boots and the gray coat. But I don’t like the blue pants and black shirt with stripes.  I understand that the outfit is specific to that Doctor. Now, whether Whittaker had any say in the design I don’t know.  Another aspect of the outfit deals with the suspenders (braces). She of course is not the first Doctor to wear suspenders (braces). I believe Matt Smith’s incarnation wore them and Patrick Troughton’s too. The suspenders seem to be part of the Doctor’s overall look from time to time. Then last of all are the earrings which I like. There could be a possibility they are sonic, but that is a big leap.

I know that the BBC does not want to reveal all the changes to Doctor Who. I am very excited about an changes coming, but these are minor. The changes I am really excited about will come after the new season is out.


New TARDIS revealed