Martha Jones

In this article, Kelly Connolly lets fans know her thoughts about the legacy of Martha Jones. Now that you have read the article, do you believe what she says? That is the question. How much influence can you see from Martha’s time on Doctor Who? When Martha arrives on Doctor Who, the Doctor sees Rose stay in an alternate universe and won’t see her again. So, for many, a change was needed and others not so much. But she is for some a breath of fresh air. Martha is a step forward and in the right direction. Martha was not a pushover. With Martha pushing back, it made the stories better.

The thought Martha Jones made the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor may or may not be true. There are lots of fans who love Martha. Martha character is different from Rose in a good way. Both companions were in love with the Doctor, but Martha never expressed in the same way as Rose. It was like she knew she could have the Doctor or that he would never love her the same way. Since Russell Davies does not allow the Doctor to show he loved Martha as he did Rose, it makes it better.

Martha Jones does lots of good for Doctor Who. The Doctor’s treatment of Martha fueled guilt rather than change. The awesome deal here is that Martha becomes a fighter and that is what fans see at the end before the death of the Tenth Doctor.

The thing here is the Doctor is the main character. Which means the shows are to revolve around him. When the shows are more about the companion than the Doctor, there is a problem. Fans see this after Davies is no longer the showrunner. Companions have their place in Doctor Who and moving to where doesn’t work.

For fans who love Martha, they agree with this article. There may be some truth with what Connolly says. Does Martha deserve more of a legacy? Well, that is an opinion, and every fan may not believe it. Martha’s time on the show was good, and in many ways helped Doctor Who move forward.

Martha Jones