
David Tennant and Alex Kingston recently completed a new audiobook under lockdown. According to this article from the Mirror, Big Finish made a new audiobook with the Tenth Doctor and River Song. How great is it when Big Finish records an audiobook? Even when Doctor Who was in the dark ages after being canceled, Big Finished makes audiobooks. Big Finish is a lifeline for Doctor Who.

The stories are expounding on the Tenth Doctor’s and River Song’s relationship. Fans see River for the first time in The Silence in the Library. The episode is the first and only time the Tenth Doctor sees River. Therefore fans are only given a small taste, but there is a lot of mystery. She talks a lot about spoilers and that her Doctor is much older. She had a diary with all her adventures with the Doctor.

Fans get to know more about her during the time of Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. The secret of the whole matter is she is the daughter of Amy and Rory Pond. Wow, the first time a guy takes the lady’s’ last name. Sorry, a little side note there. But this shows us there is something someone can do even in lockdown, to continue such a great show.

The first episode is Expiry Dating. River Song invites the Doctor on a date/mission that sees them forced to save billions of lives. Is there any other way for the things to go? Of course not, the Doctor always seems to find trouble, and he can’t just walk away.

This fan has never heard any of the Big Finish audiobooks, but the word is they are amazing. They are amazing, because when the BBC doesn’t film new episodes. They make audiobooks even under lockdown. If these books are available in America, then fans can get them. Not real sure about their availability in the US. But this is great for Doctor Who fans because they get more background on River Song and the Tenth Doctor.
