
Those fans who have endured all the jumping around over the last few years are probably saying, “Here we go again!” Well, hold your horse and read this article. First things first though, the time change only affects the viewers in the UK. Therefore the only ones who may be upset are the fans in the UK. What is it all this about? Well, the second episode will have a later time slot than the premiere episode.

Okay, everyone is wondering how much of a change? That is a good question, and it does warrant some worries. Mostly because of the way Doctor Who has been the kid sister or brother. Without having a set spot and being bounced around by the BBC, it has lent to falling ratings and fewer viewers.

Fans, there isn’t any need to be too alarmed. The answer to your fears is in the article. And with the way the writer explains the change it is understandable. The fans do not run the studio or the network. Therefore, they may not always understand the time constraints, but in America they don’t like it when there are too many commercials. But in the UK there aren’t any commercials.

OK, you are asking how much of a change? Well, that is a good question. The thing about the change in the time slot does not have anything to with a huge move from one slot to a slot after the show following Doctor Who. The change is more because of the length of the episode. Why would anyone want to air the second episode at the same time when it is shorter? The fans don’t want ten minutes more of anything besides Doctor Who.

So, as a fan, do mind a ten minute change or a two hour change. Well, this doesn’t involve only the Sunday night lineup. When you think about it is what happens every night. So, what happens is Doctor Who remains on Sunday night, the BBC moves the airtime from 6:45 to 6:55 to compensate for the difference in the length of the episodes.

Older fans don’t get too mad about it. It is only ten minutes later. The BBC did change the day and they didn’t move it to after Strictly Come Dancing. The time slot change will not hurt this time, as long as the BBC commits to leaving it on Sunday night. Now they may need to change the time slot because of episode length, but it won’t be that much.
