
GInger hair color is something the Tenth Doctor really wanted. He ask Rose several times if he was ginger. Now that is a possibility for David because he is Scottish, but of course he is not redheaded. As a result, I really think that he wasn’t really happy with his hair color.

I believe most people know what it means to have red hair. That is red hair and too me it can be very beautiful. Most people in the world who have red hair or are ginger are from Ireland and Scotland. I can’t remember seeing an Englishman or English woman with red hair. I know that Americans can have red hair but that is a really rare hair color here. The ones we see that are ginger are of Irish or Scottish descent.

David Tennant’s Doctor is not the only one to want to have red hair. Matt Smith after coming to his senses said, “Still not ginger.” What is this obsession with being red headed as we Americans call it. I know some redheads and know that they are nice people but they can also be very hard to get along with. So why does the Doctor want this. What is really strange is that they cast Karen Gilliam to play Amelia Pond and guess what she has red hair. That to me is rather ironic. Here the Doctor wants to have red hair and does not, but his companion does.

Now, I do not know why Moffat cast a redhead as a companion. Maybe it is because the Doctor longs to have red hair. I do admit most of the redheads I see are very beautiful. I just do not know if I want to be their boyfriend or husband. And since I have not really ever had much experience with redheaded woman s I can’t say too much.

Maybe being a redhead makes you smarter. Well, I don’t know about that but I can say the Doctor is a genius anyway so that hair color does not make a difference. I know the Tennant’s and Smith’s Doctor wanted this but I never hear Capaldi nor Eccleston’s Doctors make any remark about this. So apparently does not worry them. So, it is not that big a deal with them but the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors do worry about this.

Ok, let’s move on to the Thirteenth Doctor. I know and everyone else who are whovian knows that she has blonde hair. This means once again the Doctor is still not ginger. As a result I wonder if she is going to be the same as the tenth and eleventh Doctors and ask if she is ginger. Well, let answer that I do think she is. I maybe wrong, but from her reaction and first words. Then I can say she is not. I mean she says , “Oh, Brillant” after seeing her reflection. She has to see that she has blonde hair.

The thing is I don’t know whether she is going to want red hair or not. This is something we have to wait for and want know until the fall of 2018. Until then all we can do is speculate and hope that this change is for the better. My hope is that Jodie does awesome and the show has a revival of sorts.
