
Alright, this is Doctor Who and where else will I believe that a character has a duplicate. Duplicates?  You may ask.Other than Doctor Who, there are not any I can think of right now. Consequently, this idea takes place several times in Doctor Who. I am not saying other shows do not do this, but this is a site about Doctor Who. Therefore, I want to tackle this and see what I can remember about the show. Ok, I do have a little help from the BBC.

There would seem that having a duplicate is rather hard to find, and for the most part I will say yes. There really is not too many of these to see, but it does happen. This is a science fiction program and they are known for doing things a little different. So, here I go and I hope I do this justice.

Ok, it is 1965, and the producers of DOctor see a chance to bring ratings to the show. Ok, maybe not for ratings but a good idea. The Chase is the first time duplicates are used. Now, I want to be honest. I have not seen this particular serial but one time and don’t have a vivid memory of it. But from what I have read the villains, the Daleks, create a robot that looks just like the Doctor. The Daleks wish to destroy everything and everyone associated with the Doctor. Therefore defeating their arch-enemy.

The plan is not very successful in destroying anything. Vikki hears what the Daleks are planning, but there is still confusion. Confusion is the word here and how anyone can ever describe a situation with two beings that are trying to be one. To end the confusion, there is a confrontation of the two Doctor. Of course, in the end the robotic Doctor is defeated and the Doctor leaves without Barbara and Ian.

Androids of Tara

This particular episode is part of the Key of Time series. The Doctor and Romana meet another Romana. Well, it is not Romana, but Stella. Stella is the princess of the Tara. Now, I have seen this on more than once but enough to remember all there is to remember. I do recall some of this one but not a whole lot. With the fact that Tara is a planet that develops androids, I will expect there to be doubles, the only problem is that it will be a Time Lord they have never met.

Well, the Doctor and Romana arrive and find that Princess Stella is an exact double of Romana. But what is so strange here is that there are three look alikes in this. Oh, I am sorry that means there is triplicates not duplicates. Prince Reynart has an android of Stella and then there is the real Stella and then Romana. They are all played by the same actress. But in the end, they all live happily ever after. The Doctor gets 4th segment to the Key to Time and leaves victorious as usual.

Revived Series

The revived series seems to have more times in which the writers bring duplicates to the show. And as some may say you see double probably more than you wish. I am only going to tackle two of these. The ones I will write about are those I personally like the best.

Two Osgoods

Ugly Zygons and humans don’t mix. But in the three stories involving the Zygons were really quite interesting. As when you ever see duplicates on a show it draws confusion and that is part of the plan, but that is not all. By invading UNIT, thought is that they can retrieve something them are very much in need. Well, may not in need more of a desire to acquire. Now, why? What does the villains usually want. They want to conquer the Earth. I have never understood why the Earth is so important, but it always seems st the middle of the universe. Ok, I maybe because we are here on earth and it is the center of our lives.

Well, the Osgoods are not the only doubles we see in this story. There are duplicates one of the Doctor and other key members of UNIT. These duplicates do cause much confusion and the Zygons almost get what they want. In the end, the Doctor(s) are able to avert the danger by gaining peace between the humans and the Zygons. During the first episode one of the Osgoods die. Which one I am not sure, but this is Doctor Who and death is not always final. The duplicate Osgood returns in the 2 stories involving the Zygons later in the series. A rebel Zygon by the name of Bonnie turns good and replaces the Osgood which is lost.

Ricky and Mickey

Okay, Rose has a boyfriend when she first meets the Doctor and his name is Ricky. The writers use their imagination and bring back the Cybermen in the story Rise of the Cybermen. What I love about this one is that it is set in a parallel universe. Yeah, a place where we all have duplicates. But the only duplicate that stands out is Ricky’s and his name is Mickey.

Ok, you say they are the same. Well, no they are not. Ricky seems a little more brave than Mickey. There is confusion from the gang. Ricky is in because they see two Rickies. Well, the confusion does not last long because the real Mickey meets Ricky and find that Mickey is a wimp compared to Ricky. Ricky dies and Mickey must remain behind to help with the cause and lead the Preachers. he also stays behind to take care of his gran.

The producers and writers of Doctor Who can have duplicates anytime they wish. This a science fiction show and anything goes. In my eyes these things are what make the shows interesting.