Doctor Who Theory

After the reveal that the Doctor is the timeless child, Screenrant, in this article, poses a new Doctor Who Theory. In retrospect, Chris Chibnall changes the Doctor Who canon by making the Doctor the timeless child. It also changes the perspective of the Master and the Doctor. Okay, what does this statement mean? When the Master appears on Doctor Who for the first time, he is the Doctor’s equal in every way. So, with the Doctor being a timeless child, this changes the relationship between the two forever.

You might ask, how is that possible? Think about it. If the Doctor is the timeless child, he and the Master are no longer equal. The point is that the Doctor is now different from all Timelords in that he is where they receive the ability to regenerate. Which changes and makes the comparison of equally mute. Why you may ask, and there is an easy answer to the question. So, if the Doctor is a timeless child, she is not a timelord. Therefore, if the Master is a timelord, they are not the same race anymore. You can see what this leads us to the Master is definitely not equal to the Doctor.

The new Doctor Who Theory is that the Master is a timeless child as well. Is it possible there is a second timeless child? And assuming there is, the Master is the obvious choice. This will also give us a good reason why he destroys Gallifrey. Out of rage, because he is not the one the Timelord’s for their experiments, he destroys Gallifrey. Does this mean the Master and the Doctor are siblings? Was there more than one timeless child?

Honestly, why would this not be true? The Master always finds a way to regenerate even after using all of his regenerations. Yeah, when the Master regenerates on Trarken, it is said there is residual energy. At that point, he takes the body of Nyssa’s dad. Of course, he uses that body until Doctor Who is canceled. Fans see the 14th incarnation of the Master in Doctor Who the Movie. But then Russell T Davies brings the Master back again as a human, who hides his consciousness in a fob watch. Keeping count is hard, but that makes 15 incarnations. How does he continue to return and regenerate?

Well, there is more to the story. Fans see John Simm’s Master and Missy, numbers 16 and 17 both die in Twice Upon a Time. So, we aren’t going to see the Master again. Wrong, Chris Chibnall surprises everyone by bringing him back. So, what does this mean? This is not my conclusion and is only a theory. The Master is a timeless child as well. This also puts the Master and the Doctor back on even ground.

Doctor Who Theory