
There are many Doctor Who fans salivating over this new audiobook from Big Finish. The Doctor many fans watch Baker growing up, and the Doctor who is apart of many great episodes for new Who are crossing paths. The BBC is releasing a teaser trailer for the epic crossover. So, how do you feel about this? Fans around the world may be jumping for joy. As a fan, it sounds amazing to put such iconic Doctors in the same story. In the article from Digital Spy, we get the preview.

Many may say Baker was on the Day of the Doctor. Yes, that is true but the role is as the curator and not the Doctor, or maybe that is meant. Okay, no speculation here. Another good point to make is that they are facing the Daleks. The choice of the enemy is spot on. Why not have these two Doctors face off against any other enemy.

Tennant admits Baker is his first Doctor. Why not, Baker plays the Doctor during Tennant’s childhood. For the most part, Baker is the first Doctor most older fans watch first. The way he portrays the Doctor seems natural as if the role is meant for him. Because these two Doctors are so iconic it is the perfect crossover. So, fans from both the classic era and new Who want this to happen so bad. What is even better is if they make an episode with them in it. Both the Fourth Doctor and the Tenth Doctor are going outside of time in this exciting adventure.

Big Finish is a flagship for Doctor as well as keeping it alive during the dark ages for the show. So, fans should expect this one to be the same. There is always a need for great Doctor Who stories and Big Finish provides them. Thank goodness fans have Big Finish during times like these. Otherwise, they only have reruns to watch, Which is not always bad.
