Class a Doctor Who Spin off

Class is announced as new spin off of guess which BBC favorite. Well, that is Doctor Who. When did this happen? Well, the announcement comes on October 1st, 2015.  As a result, all I can say is wow! Consequently, I can’t hardly wait.

I still can’t believe that Steven Moffat is doing another show that involves the Doctor. At the same time, he is taking us back to Coal Hill School where Doctor Who is set in the beginning. Therefore, it seems to me the show has come full circle.

The show is from a books series which YA publishes. The same company which publishes The Hunger Games and Buffy the Vampire Slayer books.  I have seen the movies and television show, yet I have not read the books. Consequently, I don’t have an opinion of the books. Since it has an attachment to Doctor Who draw my interest and gives it excitement.

BBC Three commissions the shows, therefore Moffat can shoot show. Consequently, there are eight forty five minute episodes. My hope is that the show does well and because of the success they commission more episodes.

What am I to expected from the show. As with any Doctor Who story, there is going to be danger. London will be in trouble and the events there are going to need a hero or heroes. In steps this man by the name of the Doctor. He a group of school kids will tackling the the dangers associated to the breaking of the walls of time and space and the coming darkness. We are going to get to know new aliens and villains.(1)

The excitement for me builds as I wait for this new show, Class. I can see the excitement with those involved in the making of the show. Steven Moffat is such a good show runner. I just do not see how it can fail. Knock on wood!

The author of the books, Class, Patrick Ness reacts the way I would had they come to me. As a writer this is a chance of a lifetime to see his work not only be published, but also for the the BBC to make a new television show. From his reaction, I can say he has passion for and loves what he does. Not only does he have passion and love, others believe in what he can do.

There is excitement with the producers of Class and consequently their excitement carries over to me. I am as excited as those at BBC Three, who are giving Ness a chance to shine and be apart of the Iconic television series, Doctor Who.