What the Heck?

Well, well, well, Radio Times interviews Peter Capaldi and asks him five questions. Holy cow, I wonder what is said and how it gives spoiler for season 10. I am so ready for season 10, but whovians will have to wait until Christmas to see the Doctor again. While there is a Christmas special, season 10 will not be seen until April, MAYBE! Maybe April? You mean it maybe later than that. Comeon man, the drought of not having new Doctor is more than I can handle.

In the article, the questions which they ask, give some information about season 10. Is it a spoiler alert, well, I don’t know let me look and see.

First Question: Interesting, But what can we learn from this image?

What the heck?

This is a teaser right. What the heck! With my memory, I cannot tell you much about this top hat and suit. What does it mean to see the Doctor in top hat and tails? It is more, what the heck. He has ware these before and it does not mean anything at all. The magazine does ask some spoiler like questions to give us insight into season 10.

Second Question: Why is the Doctor wearing a Victorian outfit?

The question is valid. I mean Capaldi’s Doctor regular outfit is a three piece suit. He generally is not anywhere near earth and if he he is he always wear the three piece. In all my years of watching the show, I cannot remember a time when he tries to blend in with the time. Now, I may be wrong because my memory is not the best. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. Of course, I could watch a few episodes and see if that is the case, but the time frame does not permit it.

Hey, look I understand that the Doctor is a Time Lord, and basically can travel where he wants. I also know there is a wardrobe in the TARDIS. Which basically means her can wear whatever he wants when he wants. So, the Victorian outfit isn’t outside the realm of his choice of clothes. There is always the chance that he reflects back to another incarnation and dons those clothes as well. However, there are many questions to ask about this., but they are all just that, questions. All this does is peak our interest in season 10, and making it very hard to wait for it.

Third Question: Why is Capaldi dressed like Matt Smith’s Doctor?

Oh, hold the phone, what its Matt Smith’s clothes without Matt Smith! Sure, that is very possible. The outfit according to Radio Times is the same one Smith wears in the 2012 Christmas Special.(1) What the heck! Now look what is the Doctor doing. Is having a deja vu moment. The article also says it bears a closer resemblance to the Great Intelligence in the same episode. (2) Personally, I do not know. I hope there is a good reason for the Doctor doing this. I feel there is a real good reason, but can’t find it out until next year after the release of season 10. The resemblance idea leads to another important question.

Fourth Question: Are Vastra, Jenny and Strax returning to Doctor Who?

What the heck! I do remember the Paternoster gang. The Doctor’s SIlurian friend and her Sontaran butler. If this is a spoiler it is a good one. I love to see the Doctor work with these guys. My hope is that they are returning to Victorian England and get some action with the Paternoster gang.(3) These guys are great addition to the show. I love the way the team has taken two beings whose races are enemies of the Doctor and made them allies.  This may be a spoiler alert, and I can’t hardly wait!

Fifth Question: What planet is the Doctor is on?

What the heck? No, the Doctor is not in 19th century Britain. There is not any way that he can be anywhere else. That is a wrong assumption, right. I mean the DOctor does travel in both time and space, so yeah it is possible he is not in 19th century Britain. What planet? Hey, how should I know. I wasn’t there when they filmed the show. The article makes the suggestion that it is the Planet of the Ood.(4) 

Okay, hope the readers of this will make their own assumptions about season 10 and not just take my word. These may spoilers and then again most likely they are not because I am not privy to what Steven Moffat is doing.