Thirteenth Doctor

Thirteenth Doctor

The Thirteenth Doctor is really beginning to be the hot topic among Whovians and media. Ever since Peter Capaldi confesses that he is not returning for season 18, the names have flew out from everywhere. Some people want a female for what I suppose is gender equality. Then there are the naysayers who think because the Doctor has always been a man the person playing the Doctor must be a man.

What I find amazing about all of this is, when the Steven Moffat changes the Master’s gender there is anything to find about it. Now, when this happens I am not really not watching Doctor Who that closely. When it comes to the actors who portray the characters, it seems to me to be in the hands of the showrunner. Steven Moffat makes the choice to make the Master, Missy. Then I see the first episode it she is very good.

Personally, I don’t see any reason for the Doctor becoming a female that terrible. The naysayers point to tradition and say it needs to be a man. This really makes some people mad and upset. Some women are just as capable as men at doing some things. I admit there are some things which suit men better than women, but it goes the other way as well. I can see there being some people who will not want the thirteenth to be a woman. But then who knows how it will work until it takes place.

I agree for the length of the program that men have always been the Doctor. But in today’s world man and women have the same jobs. I can see where they are coming from, but we are living in a different time. Things have advanced greatly since the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.

I agree with the director from season 1 when he says there is no earthly or alien reason for the Thirteenth Doctor from being a female.(1) I am curious as to how it will work with a female as the Doctor. For the most part companions are female with a few male companions mixed in. I wonder if a female Doctor will bring more male companions. Another thing I wonder about is how they will write the stories with a female. I am pretty sure there will be differences.

If the Thirteenth Doctor is a female, there will be an adjustment period. There also may be a jump in the viewership. Having a female Doctor could mean a greater number of women watching the program. That is if they chose the right lady. I will watch it no matter what because I love the show. But there are those who are not watching anymore.

With a new era coming for Doctor Who, we can expect many different things. The BBC wants to move the show forward and make it better than ever. I certainly hope that whatever is done for the show makes it better.