Ten Days

As I sit here and write this post, I realize that it is only ten days til the regeneration of the Twelfth Doctor. There are many Who fans that just don’t like this idea. But times change the BBC wants something different. So, on Christmas our favorite Time Lord will regenerate into a new body. This time it will be Jodie Whittaker and I am hoping things go very well.

I can so to some extent there is excitement for me. I do not know about other whovians and of course you can tell me by making comments on this post if you want. Now, I am an old school Whovian, but I want to see how things are going to go. I want to give her a chance and not pass judgement too soon. From everything I hear and read WHittaker is going to be fantastic.

I can say that I am more excited because of the regeneration because of the change to the lead of the show. Then I am also excited about the change in the production and writing teams as well. Season 10 to me is the best season for Peter Capaldi. I loved every episode and Bill was a breathe of fresh air. Now we have a whole new TARDIS crew and the sky can be the limit.

Chris Chibnall and Whittaker along with everyone else involved have their work cut out. Now, what I mean by this is that they must impress all Whovians along with the BBC leadership and critics as well. I really don’t think I will want to be in their shoes. Running the show is Chibnall’s job and I will leave it up to him. Being the Doctor is Whittaker’s job and I hope she does a great job.

With Doctor Who, change is something which comes every so often and we as fans just go with the flow. This time the change upset some people and they say they will not watch the show again. Well, in ten days the change comes and it may be their last episode to watch, but for me I am going to watch to see how Whittaker does. Who knows she may be great and then she could not be so great. I do not know and no one else does either. So, give her a chance and wait to pass judgement.


ten days