The Console

I have a quick question to ask of anyone who reads this post. If the TARDIS is a spaceship, how will the Doctor fly it? I know this is rhetorical question if you watch Doctor Who, but it must be answered. Therefore, I am going to do just that. With the TARDIS being a spaceship a different kind at that, in the middle of the control room is what we call a console. Now it does not matter whether it is the Doctor’s or another Time Lord’s they all have consoles from which they fly the TARDIS.

As many years as I have been a fan, the console of the TARDIS console has went through changes. It seems to me that every Doctor gets a different looking console. At least that is my view. What I suppose is happening is tht as technology increases so does the pieces of the TARDIS become more modern.

After watching as many stories as I have, I gather the Doctor has trouble flying his TARDIS. I say this because he never lands where he desires, or at least most of the time. But I think ins one episode we find that the TARDIS actually requires six pilots. This does explain why we see the Doctor running around frantically trying to fly it. SO, if that is the case, then that sort of explains why the TARDIS does not end up where the Doctor intends. I know from watching the show that River Song does not run around like the Doctor while piloting the TARDIS. So, maybe it is possible to pilot the TARDIS with only one person. How do I know which is right. Well, I really don’t.

Independent Operation

Come on, Doctor, why do you mess with my mind. Leave that console in the TARDIS. I don’t know how the console flies without the TARDIS, but it does. I have to question the sanity of the writers who take the console out of the TARDIS and lets the Doctor travel. How is he going to protect himself from oxygen deprivation. I know he is a TIme Lord but he still needs oxygen to live. The only ting I think is that there is force field around him that contain oxygen. But, of course this is science fiction and anything can happen.

Shape and configuration of the console

Over the years outside of different variations, the shape remains the same. The console is kind of weird but I guess it is ok for those around the show. The pole which attaches to floor is has a circular pattern but the panel around has hexagonal sections attached to it. There are six pf these panels. The controls should be found on the console. If not there is something very wrong.

You know if I was the producer of the show things might be different, but these guys have been doing this for fifty years and I hope for many more. I really don’t care ow they make the console look or even the TARDIS so long as they keep the action coming. The console is a very important part of the TARDIS and it has secrets. What all it truly has or can do I don’t know. I do not even think, all the information about it is available. I just hope you enjoy what I write and see you keep coming back.

Some of the information for this post comes from here