Console Room

The Console Room is where the Doctor stands to fly the TARDIS, Ok, like I know you know this already, DUH. The TARDIS has many more rooms, but this particular room is the most seen and most used. As a fan, you become very familiar with this room of operations. It is like all things take place in this room. Consequently, most of the action we see inside the TARDIS is in the console room.

I can’t speak for anyone but myself here and say there may be been allot of thought to go into the console room then again maybe not. Verity Lambert gives a certain man or team and they must make a design for the platform room of the time machine/spaceship. Consequently,  Peter Brachacki is chosen and he is to design the console room for the TARDIS. Ok, Ms. Lambert, please give me enough money to give you a decent design. Well, of course this is the 1960s and apparently money is an issue. Now, I am not from the 1960s but I think there living expenses and materials for thing is cheaper. Therefore, maybe Lambert thinks that  isn’t a need for much money to build the console room. Well, he get a shoestring budget to build the main room of the TARDIS.

Brachacki does leave, but Verity Lambert uses the design. I like hexagonal shape of the console and the roundels which are true part of the show. Thanks to Brachacki we have these continued pieces of the show.

The console room as we see it has had some variations, but not but it always seems to have the console and roundels because they are trademarks of the console room. The one time they dramatically change the a major player in the show does not like the new design. Consequently, it doesn’t last. I don’t remember the serial The Time Monster consequently I really cannot give my opinion. But from How Barry Letts describes I will hate it. I am glad the new design receives damage and they never use it again.(1)

What I do remember though is that the TARDIS has a second console room. The Fourth Doctor uses it during season 14 in 1976/77.(2) The room seems to be a little more comfortable and laid back than the other one. Where the Doctor can go and just relax and chillout, LOL. like he is going to chill out and relax.

With the changing times comes changes in the console room. These happen to make the console room more hip and time friendly. The television movie console is made more along the lines of what is described in the adventure novels. Have not really had a chance to see the 1996 movie I can’t really say too much.

The new series console room is awesome and changes like with every doctor in some minute way. I think changing the console room makes the fans look forward to see how the crew is going to change it. They come back so they see how much more awesome the console room looks with the new Doctor. Now remember the basic design stays the same, but they do update it make more awesome with every Doctor. If you don’t believe watch the First. Second, Third, FOurth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth and tell m it does not add to the show.