First of all, the first time I see this Blue Police Box is when I am like nine or ten years. At this age, my knowledge of the spaceship is limited. All I do is watch Doctor WHo and just wish I have a spaceship like that. I mean a nine year can wish right. For me to be able to travel anywhere in time and space. How awesome will that be. I didn’t care if my parents know where I am. I just want to get in the TARDIS and travel around time and space without hindrances. It is only later as a teenager that I become more familiar with the spaceship the Doctor travels.

The TARDIS is an abbreviation for Time And Relative Dimensions in Space.(1) The actual name is way too long to say every time you speak of the Doctor time/spaceship right! I can see why the use the abbreviation. That is a mouth full for anybody.  SO, I can see why they use the name TARDIS.

Doctor Who is not the only television show we see the TARDIS. Since Doctor Who is such a great show, there are spinoffs. Therefore, the TARDIS makes appearances in those spinoffs. These include “The Sarah Jane Adventures” and “Torchwood”(2). There is a new spinoff which they just now beginning to make with the Doctor. Consequently, I feel that the TARDIS will be present.  So, for any fan to see this iconic spaceship, they must watch either Doctor Who or one of its spinoffs. I mean it does not take a rocket scientist to see it.

Well, if you are reading this and know anything about the Doctor, you know he is an alien. He is a Time Lord from the planet of Gallifrey. The name of his species really gives away allot. You can tell that they have the ability to travel through time and space. Well, for this to happen they must have a spaceship to transverse both time and space. Well they do and it is what I am writing about. I think this spaceship is so cool and have grown fond of the Police box disguise. Which really is not a disguise. LOL

There are many different models of the TARDIS. From the show itself we gain the knowledge that the model of the Doctor’s TARDIS is a “TT Type 40, Mark 3”.(3)  Where do they come up with these names I do not know, but it really does not sound very alien to me.

This particular TARDIS gets stuck as a Blue Police Box when it lands in London in 1963. Why you may ask? Well, apparently these time machines have a circuit which controls the shape and look of the TARDIS. They first thing I ever heard it called is a chameleon circuit. I am also told that it is broken, so the TARDIS remains the same. I do remember for part of the story Attack of the Cybermen, the sixth Doctor tries to fix it to no avail.

Like most Doctor Who fan the TARDIS is know as the Doctor’s person vehicle for time/space travel. We love the Blue Police Box and hope that it never changes. The Doctor seems to have grown fond of it as well. I say that because he never tries to fix the circuit.