twelfth doctor

Spoilers: What is the BBC up to With All the Trailers, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Spoilers Spoilers accompany this latest trailer for season 10 of Doctor Who. The trailer moves quickly through Season 10 and gives many different scenes from season 10. The trailer is the third that the BBC has released for season. This does seem to be a ploy to help the ratings for this years Doctor Who. As with the other trailers, there are spoilers worth noticing. The BBC is showing the viewers only small pieces from the…

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Fan’s View of the Selection of the Next Doctor for Doctor Who

Fan’s View A fan’s view is all this is and all it will be. Therefore, some may agree with it then others may not. So, here we go and this is how I truly feel about this next Doctor thing. As a fan of the show, I always like surprises. With that being said, I know first of all that a regeneration is coming. I know this because Peter Capaldi tells the world in an interview he will not return…

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Uproar Could be Coming if Chris Chibnall Casts a Female as the Doctor

Uproar Uproar may not be the right word for the response of some Doctor Who fans. There is so much talk about the next Doctor being a female, but there are still those who do not want that. From the standpoint of many fans this will be wrong. I wrote about Chris Chibnall not wanting to do anything gimmicky. Now, the idea of a female Doctor can sound like a gimmick. I can also see where those who are pro-female…

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What Steven Moffat is Doing This TIme: Old School Villains and Season 10

Steven Moffat Well, how about this turn of events? Steven Moffat is leaving Doctor Who, which everyone knows by now. Everyone now knows that Peter Capaldi is leaving as well. Therefore, I am thinking that Steven Moffat wants to go out with a bang. I read yesterday about the return of the Mondasian Cybermen and I believe another old school villain will return this year. From everything I can gain from articles the Ice Warriors will return this year as…

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Mondasian Cybermen Are Returning in Season 10 with Steven Moffat Going Old School

Mondasian Cybermen Mondasian Cybermen will return in the last two episodes of Season 10 per Doctor Who News.(1) Now to see the first ones you must see the serial “The Tenth Planet”. As a result, you will also see the first time the main character the Doctor regenerates at the end. I have only see pictures like the one above as to what they actually look like. To tell you the truth, they are for certain different from anything we see…

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Persuade Peter Capaldi to Remain as the Doctor is Just What Chibnall Tries to do

Persuade To persuade an actor from leaving Doctor Who may be difficult. In my opinion, Capaldi should have stayed as the Doctor for at least one more year. But once he makes up his mind, there isn’t any turning back. Everyone is always sad when an actor chooses to leave the role of the Doctor. I can say I am both sad and maybe a little upset. In the process of thins, Chris Chibnall and Steven Moffat try to persuade…

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What Does the BBC Do In Order to Better Ratings Viewers for Season 10

Ratings Ratings are something the Television industry counts on. From what I have read over the past few months, Doctor Who’s ratings and viewership is not what the BBC wants. The BBC has for the tenth season now released a second trailer. I personally can’t remember them doing this for the past two seasons, This is the case for even those before this one. I realize this is the final season for both Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi. Since they…

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Doctor Who and the New Doctor: Odds Now are Placing Tilda Swinton as Leader

Tilda Swinton Wow, Tilda Swinton gets the best odds to be the next Doctor.(1) Alright, these odds makers did not take anytime in saying the next Doctor is going to be a female. They must feel very strongly about this. This comes as no surprise though. I say this because Steven Moffat changes the Master’s gender and now everyone is expecting the same for the Doctor. I know there some other things which  we see with other Doctors that  And…

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The Doctor’s WIfe River Song: Should She Have Made Her Last Apperance

The Doctor’s Wife The Doctor’s Wife, River Song, burst on the scene in Silence in the Library. The Doctor at the time only finds out that she is from his future.  She is a character from the mind of Steven Moffat which became a very interesting part of Doctor Who. As a result, she returns for another fifteen episodes. Therefore she sees the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. She is a character that I grew fond of over the last…

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Leaving: Thoughts on the Actor and the BBC Revealing He is Leaving Doctor Who

Leaving Leaving Doctor Who is a big deal. This seems to be the norm with Doctor Who. What I mean is the companions leave and eventually the Doctor regenerates. As a result, this means the acteor is leaving the role. The other day I am reading the comments on a Facebook post about Peter Capaldi announcing his leaving Doctor Who. Because of him revealing his leaving before Season 10 starts some of the fans are upset. Ok, I can see…

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