twelfth doctor

Season 10 Teaser Trailer featuring New Companion Bill Released, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Season 10 Teaser Season 10 teaser trailer has been released. The BBC wants to let all Doctor Who fans that the new season is going to be better than ever. Watching this video makes me long for the new season. I really want to watch it now, but I will along with everyone else have to wait until April 20, 2017. Oh well there is not anything I can do about that. The excitement is growing…

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My Thoughts on The Return of Doctor Mysterio

Thoughts on Mysterio My thoughts on Mysterio are just that my thoughts. First of all, I can’t believe I actually watched it on Christmas day. Secondly, I believe that the program is all that I expect from Doctor Who and Steven Moffat. What I am about to say can no longer be spoilers. For I believe most everyone were able to see the program on Christmas night. To some extent is does remind me of the time when the Ninth…

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Updated Season 10 production and other tidbits

  I really hate it has been such a long wait for season 10. The timing is all up to the BBC and I really can’t do anything about it. The article says, it’s going to be along 12 months, especially without a TARDIS.(1) Basically, I can tend to believe that. It is like I am an addict and I have going cold turkey with my drug of choice. I really don’t know about other fans but it is a hard…

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There has been a teaser by Peter Capaldi with a New Monster

If there is anything about Doctor Who that I like, it is the fact they can add a new monster when the are ready. Doctor Who is all about out of this world monsters and it does not hurt to have a new on monster added. I think other Doctor Who fans feel the same as well. The word I found comes from Peter Capaldi himself. He gives a teaser about something new coming to Doctor Who. His words are,…

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BBC Releases New Trailer for Christmas Special

New trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special Christmas Day is now only 13 days away and with that the BBC releases a new trailer for their Doctor Who Christmas Special. I really love the fact that the BBC is promoting the story as much as they are. To me that means they want to get ratings and hope to continue the program. As a fan, I always look for new Doctor Who stories. I love the fact that they…

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My Thoughts on Audiobooks/Novelization – Doctor Who Talk

Being a Doctor Who since I was very young there has been allot that has happened and audiobooks and novels are one. I remember watching the Fourth Doctor religiously every day when I come home from school. Being a science fiction junky at an early age makes things different. I remember watching Star Trek and Star Wars and loving them just like Doctor Who. Being only 9 or 10 and not really having any connection to the BBC or the…

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Peter Capaldi Does Not Want to Make a Tough Decision

Boy, I tell you the truth. Just as you see the news about the BBC bosses wanting to start the show complete over. Peter Capaldi tells Wales Online that he was ask to stay on.(1)  As a result Capaldi has a tough decision to make. Now with that news I am really confused. This is one of those things which really makes you not know what is going on. I believe that Capaldi does have a tough decision to make.…

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New Showrunner Chibnall to Begin New Era for Doctor Who

New Showrunner A new era will begin with Doctor Who in 2018 with new showrunner Chris Chibnall? Now, I realize I wrote about this a few days ago. At the time what I read seems to only be rumors. But I found this article this morning and the rumors look to be true. In the last article, the statement is that the BBC wants change because the sales of merchandise had fallen off. So, in an attempt to make more…

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New Information on the Christmas Special and Minor Spoilers

New Information The time before we as fans get to see a new Doctor Who story is getting closer and closer. New information on the next story is in some way is leaking out a little bit. The article I just read does give give some good information which is considered spoilers obviously. With the continuation of the Christmas Special tradition, we are not that far away from having Doctor Who again. Since Christmas is only 24 days away, I…

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The Best Doctor of the Last Fifty Years

Best Doctor Ok, I realize this post is a little different from any of the others. But I do want you to know, articles are present about this subject. Of course, this is only on fan’s opinion. So, take it for what it is. I mention on my original post about the show that I have been a fan since I was nine years old. Since it has been so many years and I personally watched every Doctor, I really…

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