twelfth doctor

Responsible: Did the Doctor Cause Gallifrey’s End, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Responsible In this article from Screenrant, there is a theory the writer presents that the Doctor is partly responsible for the destruction of Gallifrey. When the Master returned in Season 12, he shows the Doctor he destroyed Gallifrey. The kicker is that he says he couldn’t do it without her help. Okay, this is a lot to digest. Do the fans believe the Doctor is capable of such a feat? Everyone knows the Master is ruthless and does…

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Understanding: the Doctor is the Timeless Child

Understanding Where do you begin understanding the twist Chris Chibnall brings to Doctor Who? According to this article from Looper, The Timeless Child twist is as good a place as any. So, according to what we see in season 12, the Doctor is not a Timelord at all.  He/she is a child from another race with the ability to regenerate when he/she dies. Ok, why bring this out now? Doctor Who is over 50 years old, and this is hidden…

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Complete Series Collection – Doctor Who, DVD

I am trying to monetize my site and offering you Doctor Who items through affiliate marketing at no cost to you find out how click here. Doctor Who – The Complete Series Collection, DVD The complete series collection of Doctor Who seasons 1-10 is a dream come true for Doctor Who fans. It allows them to have every episode which aired from the start. I wish with everything in me that I can buy this collection sometime in the future.…

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Extra Footage: Moffat Cut a Half an Hour of Footage

Extra Footage      Extra footage is something every television show and movie has. The production crew shoot scenes until they get it perfect. So, what Huw Fullerton tells us in this article should not be a surprise. What seems strange is the fact he gives an exact amount of footage. For me what it does is raise the question why would Fullerton tell his readers the amount of footage not used.      The idea makes me begin to…

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Easter Egg: Connection Between the 50th and Twice

Easter Egg In this article from Radio Times by Huw Fullerton, there seems to be a connection with The Day of the Doctor and Peter Capaldi’s last episode. I do find this intriguing and never really noticed it. But apparently, this is not the only Easter Egg as he calls them, but will be the only one I touch on. I did not pay close enough attention while watching the 5o Anniversary Special and did not notice the roundels on…

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Created: RTD Makes Incarnations Beyond Whittaker

Created In this article from Radio Times, there is some new information on the novelization of Rose. There are possible spoilers so read it at your own risk. As a fan, I do find it interesting, that Davies created more incarnations of the Doctor. Of course, it is only an opinion, and it may not be a shared opinion. Asking a question at this point is necessary. Why did Davies add this to the novel? The writer of the article believes…

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Musical Episode: Capaldi Had an Idea for One

Musical Episode I found this article very interesting. As fans, we all saw Peter Capaldi play the guitar on Doctor Who, but would you ever believe the idea he had? Well, he thought a musical episode where the Doctor meets a musical legend would be great. Of course, we know the TARDIS can travel anywhere in space and time, so anything is possible, but will a musical episode work. Personally, I love the Doctor playing the guitar in the TARDIS and thought…

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Secrets: What Wasn’t Known About Twelve’s Finally.

Secrets What fan doesn’t like to know the secrets of their favorite show? Well, in this article, Ben Allen shares a video and some facts about the final scene for Peter Capaldi. Steven Moffat and Rachel Talalay talk about the moments before shooting the final scene. The amazing part of the whole scene is they only had 20 minutes to shoot it. Talalay wanted this regeneration episode to be grand. For this to happen it took Talalay and Capaldi working…

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Really, That Wasn’t Pearl Mackie as the Cyberman?

Really! Information has now come to light that Pearl Mackie (Bill Potts) was not the one in the Mondasian Cyberman outfit. Is that really a surprise? Well, after reading this article and thinking about all the Cybermen stories which have aired, the answer is no. To be honest, there should not be a fan anywhere who thinks that Pearl was in the Cyberman suit. You know for me, I just took him as Pearl without considering the facts. Being a…

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Two Hearts: Contradiction # 2 of Doctor Who

Two Hearts As a fan of Doctor Who, knowing the Doctor has two hearts is common knowledge. Thomas Ling in this article, says the Doctor’s two hearts are a contradiction to the Doctor Who canon. Since many fans do not always start watching Doctor Who from the start, they don’t know much about the First or Second Doctors. So, they believe two hearts are the norm for Time Lords. After watching a few episodes of the First and Second Doctors,…

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