Thirteenth Doctor

Hidden Secrets: are there any in the New Logo, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Hidden Secrets Does it surprise anyone that there may be hidden secrets in the new Doctor Who logo and picture? Of course not but in this article, Huw Fullerton writes about hidden secrets which may be in the Doctor Who picture with the new logo. As the showrunner, Chris Chibnall is responsible for hiding some things from the fans. What good is it if we as fans know everything about the new series there will be…

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New Energy: Chibnall hopes to Bring Some

New Energy Huw Fullerton of Radio Times tells us in this article about comments made by David Tennant about what Chris Chibnall is trying to do. As I read the article, I saw there is more change than I had anticipated. So, you know I begin to think about all of this. I am wondering if the new energy mentioned will be real or just smoke and mirrors. My hope is everything I hear and read turns out to be…

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Excited: David Tennant; Fans may See a New Whittaker

Excited The Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, had some great things to say about Jodie Whittaker. In an article from Radio Times by Susan Doran, we find that Tennant is excited that she is the Doctor. While at the Glasgow Film Festival he tells Heart Scotland, “Because I know Jodie and I can imagine all the things that she might bring to is, I’m thrilled to see what that’s going to look like and what the stories are going to be.”(1)…

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Best Doctor: High Praise For Whittaker from Eccleston

Best Doctor Now, there are many Doctor Who fans who do not like the fact Chris Chibnall cast the first female Doctor. Some of those fans will probably not watch any more. Well, these same fans watched Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and might want to listen to what he says. Huw Fullerton tells us in this article that Eccleston says, “Jodie Whittaker will be the Best Doctor.”(1) If you recall, he is not the only one who believes Chris…

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Family: Chris Chibnall Wants a Return to a Family Show

Family When Doctor Who aired for the first time in 1963, family was a big part of the show. Well, in this article by Ben Dowell of Radio Times, we are told that a family feel is what Chris Chibnall wants for his era. James Stong, Chibnall’s friend, and director tells Dowell tells that Chibnall is keen on returning to the beginning. In the beginning, a family feel is apparent. You see this first in the fact that Susan is the…

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Make My Day: Meeting Jodie Whittaker Would

Make My Day To make my day as a Doctor Who fan would be to meet the person playing the Doctor. What a thrill it will be to stand next to Jodie Whittaker for a photo. Wow, how that would feel and what a grand experience. Well, there were a few fans who went to Twitter and posted pictures with Whittaker. Eleanor Bley Griffiths wrote about it in this article. Wow, what a fan would do to meet the actor or…

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Description of Jodie’s Doctor Gives Hope

Description In this article, Huw Fullerton says, “the BBC gives us a description of our new Doctor in a press release.” As fans, we are looking for anything and everything new for the upcoming season. We all are on the edge of our seats as we wait to see our new Doctor. Most Doctor Who fans can hardly wait for Season 11. We all know the airing of the new season is not going to happen until the fall. Which…

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Two Hearts: Contradiction # 2 of Doctor Who

Two Hearts As a fan of Doctor Who, knowing the Doctor has two hearts is common knowledge. Thomas Ling in this article, says the Doctor’s two hearts are a contradiction to the Doctor Who canon. Since many fans do not always start watching Doctor Who from the start, they don’t know much about the First or Second Doctors. So, they believe two hearts are the norm for Time Lords. After watching a few episodes of the First and Second Doctors,…

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Half-Human: Contradiction #1 of Doctor Who

Half-Human As a fan, watching Doctor Who and paying close attention events in the stories is something I do. So, paying close attention to details is vital for me and something which is part of my being. In this article, Thomas Ling writes about the seven biggest contradiction of the Doctor Who canon. The first one is that the Doctor is half-human and is the one that disturbs me the most. Okay, my favorite Time Lord is not one hundred…

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Premiere: Great News About Jodie’s First Episode

Premiere Huw Fullerton reports in this article, tells about a competition the BBC has to win two VIP tickets to the Season 11 premiere. At the same time, the winner and a guest will meet the Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker. Wow, this is a great competition! But for many fans in the USA, it is out of reach unless you have a way to get to London. Diehard Whovians would kill for the chance to meet the Thirteenth Doctor and anyone…

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