
Oxygen: Last Night the Doctor Goes to the End of the Universe, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Oxygen Man oh man, what about oxygen? This is an episode that really does at some points scare the viewer. It is a chilling case in space. Everyone knows as humans we need oxygen to live and in this episode spacesuits which supply oxygen to the wearer turn on the occupants. In the beginning of the show, it leads in with some things which raised my curiosity. Three of the remaining people on the space station…

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Doctor Who and the Use of Spacesuits

Spacesuits Ok, I have your attention now, right. Ok, you may be thinking, I did not think the Doctor needs a spacesuit. Well, you are wrong! I know he is an alien, but he is from a planet where the people require oxygen to survive. Therefore, a space suit is necessary. So, don’t feel bad about not knowing about spacesuits and Doctor Who because the first knowledge I have is of the one wore by the impossible astronaut. For the…

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