
Hidden Secrets: are there any in the New Logo, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Hidden Secrets Does it surprise anyone that there may be hidden secrets in the new Doctor Who logo and picture? Of course not but in this article, Huw Fullerton writes about hidden secrets which may be in the Doctor Who picture with the new logo. As the showrunner, Chris Chibnall is responsible for hiding some things from the fans. What good is it if we as fans know everything about the new series there will be…

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New Energy: Chibnall hopes to Bring Some

New Energy Huw Fullerton of Radio Times tells us in this article about comments made by David Tennant about what Chris Chibnall is trying to do. As I read the article, I saw there is more change than I had anticipated. So, you know I begin to think about all of this. I am wondering if the new energy mentioned will be real or just smoke and mirrors. My hope is everything I hear and read turns out to be…

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Inspirational: Our Beloved Female Companions

Inspirational The men producing Doctor Who in 1963 may not ever of seen it becoming the global phenomena it has become. At the same time, the idea the Doctor would become a female was even further from their minds. In this article by Jacquline Rayner from Radio Times, she writes about the inspirational female companions the Doctor traveled over the tenure of the show. Honestly, I am not very familiar with some of the companions in the article, but I can…

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Rose: Episode One of Season One

Rose Rose actually begins in the new era of Doctor Who in a little different way. RTD starts the story off with Rose, but that does seem obvious because of the title of the episode. We don’t see the Doctor until she is looking for someone who works at the department store she works. While she is looking for him, dummies used to display the clothes for sale come alive and begin to move and chase the Doctor and her.…

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Fantastic: The Ninth Doctor’s Catchphrase

Fantastic When Russell T Davies was able to move forward with the reboot of Doctor Who, he cast Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. I will be honest and say the first time I watch it isn’t fantastic and make a decision to watch season 1 of the reboot, to see my original thoughts are right. I have only watched the first three stories, but my thoughts are changing. Eccleston’s mannerisms caught my eye, and he and Billie Pipper make a good…

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Excited: David Tennant; Fans may See a New Whittaker

Excited The Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, had some great things to say about Jodie Whittaker. In an article from Radio Times by Susan Doran, we find that Tennant is excited that she is the Doctor. While at the Glasgow Film Festival he tells Heart Scotland, “Because I know Jodie and I can imagine all the things that she might bring to is, I’m thrilled to see what that’s going to look like and what the stories are going to be.”(1)…

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Best Doctor: High Praise For Whittaker from Eccleston

Best Doctor Now, there are many Doctor Who fans who do not like the fact Chris Chibnall cast the first female Doctor. Some of those fans will probably not watch any more. Well, these same fans watched Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and might want to listen to what he says. Huw Fullerton tells us in this article that Eccleston says, “Jodie Whittaker will be the Best Doctor.”(1) If you recall, he is not the only one who believes Chris…

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Family: Chris Chibnall Wants a Return to a Family Show

Family When Doctor Who aired for the first time in 1963, family was a big part of the show. Well, in this article by Ben Dowell of Radio Times, we are told that a family feel is what Chris Chibnall wants for his era. James Stong, Chibnall’s friend, and director tells Dowell tells that Chibnall is keen on returning to the beginning. In the beginning, a family feel is apparent. You see this first in the fact that Susan is the…

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Regenerations: Contradiction #3 How Many?

Regenerations According to this article by Thomas Ling, regenerations or the number of is a contradiction of the Doctor Who canon. If you begin watching Doctor from the beginning and don’t see new who, you learn Time Lords are reborn twelve times. But the idea does not always seem to stand. There are a couple of times we see a contradiction to the canon. One of them deals with the Master and the other the Doctor. In both instances, they are…

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Secrets: What Wasn’t Known About Twelve’s Finally.

Secrets What fan doesn’t like to know the secrets of their favorite show? Well, in this article, Ben Allen shares a video and some facts about the final scene for Peter Capaldi. Steven Moffat and Rachel Talalay talk about the moments before shooting the final scene. The amazing part of the whole scene is they only had 20 minutes to shoot it. Talalay wanted this regeneration episode to be grand. For this to happen it took Talalay and Capaldi working…

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