Peter Capaldi

The Doctor’s WIfe River Song: Should She Have Made Her Last Apperance, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Doctor’s Wife The Doctor’s Wife, River Song, burst on the scene in Silence in the Library. The Doctor at the time only finds out that she is from his future.  She is a character from the mind of Steven Moffat which became a very interesting part of Doctor Who. As a result, she returns for another fifteen episodes. Therefore she sees the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. She is a character that I grew fond…

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Leaving: Thoughts on the Actor and the BBC Revealing He is Leaving Doctor Who

Leaving Leaving Doctor Who is a big deal. This seems to be the norm with Doctor Who. What I mean is the companions leave and eventually the Doctor regenerates. As a result, this means the acteor is leaving the role. The other day I am reading the comments on a Facebook post about Peter Capaldi announcing his leaving Doctor Who. Because of him revealing his leaving before Season 10 starts some of the fans are upset. Ok, I can see…

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Speculation: Peter Capaldi is Leaving Who is the Next Doctor

Next Doctor The BBC wants a new era and that is exactly what they will get. Peter Capaldi steps down after the 2017 Christmas Special and now we wonder who the next Doctor will be? This is job for the media and fans both. Apparently the media is already putting odds on who will be the next Doctor. As a result, it seems to becoming something to bet on. I personally don’t know and neither do they. But they want…

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The Death of the Twelfth Doctor is Coming During This Years Christmas Special

Death The death of the main character in Doctor Who is something which I can never get use to. Because it seems every time I get use to a Doctor, he choses to leave. I never really find out what he is all about. Therefore, I wish the actors would stay longer. I don’t want to speculate as to why these guys leave. They are all great actors and I love to watch them. Many if not all but one…

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Doctor Who and Its Monsters: Which one is the Scariest

Monsters Monsters are an integral part of Doctor Who. From the beginning the program has been one which has different kinds of monsters. Some of the aliens such as the Daleks can and are considered monsters. But in recent years the writers and producers are bringing in new monsters. Some of these are probably some of the scariest. With Doctor Who being a science fiction program just about anything goes. The creative minds over the years bring Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians,…

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The Master has Many Faces and here they are!

The Many Faces of the Master Personally, watching the many faces of the Master, makes me want more. I do realize that he may not be the first enemy which appears on the show, but he must be a favorite. Being a Time Lord there is going to be a possibility of a face change from time to time. There are many reasons for the actor playing the Master to change as well. So, I wish to write a little…

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Why is the Wait for the Tenth Season so Unbearable?

Unbearable As I sit here a write this post, waiting on the tenth season of Doctor Who is getting unbearable. I mean the Return of Doctor Mysterio was good. At the same time it helps with the longing for new Doctor Who. But I still desire to see new Doctor Who. All the Christmas  special did is make me want to see Doctor Who more. I know it is just a television show, but it is my favorite sci-fi show…

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The TARDIS is not What it Appears on the Outside – The Exterior

If you look at the picture above, the exterior of the TARDIS shows several different looks. The thing to remember though is that the TARDIS is not exactly a Police Box. As a Doctor Who fan, most of us really only know one shape and that is the Blue Police box. After watching “The Name of the Doctor”, we find that the Type 40 appears as a silver-grey cylinder.(1) Of course, this is something most fans really do not know and…

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Doctor Who Origins: The History of Doctor Who Part 1

Doctor Who Origins Doctor Who origins for me is something I will like to know. The picture on this post is the opening scene of the very first serial of the program. The historical value of the Unearthly Child is immense. Doctor Who is such an conic television show that it is now 52 years old. With the 10th season just around the corner, it continues to be a great show and will as long as the BBC decides to…

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Season 10 Teaser Trailer featuring New Companion Bill Released

Season 10 Teaser Season 10 teaser trailer has been released. The BBC wants to let all Doctor Who fans that the new season is going to be better than ever. Watching this video makes me long for the new season. I really want to watch it now, but I will along with everyone else have to wait until April 20, 2017. Oh well there is not anything I can do about that. The excitement is growing and I know that…

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