
Part 7: The Doctor Gets Deeper into the Mindwarp, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Part 7 Part 7 begins as King Yrcanos, Peri, and Dorf attack the Doctor and the guard escorting him to Crozier’s laboratory. The Doctor is deep into what he calls a play during a break in the actions on Thoros Beta. The reactions of the Doctor and the Valeyard are perfect. The Doctor memory of the events seems to be returning, but there is a problem. The does not recall them happening as they do on the Matrix. So,…

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Part 2: The Mysterios Planet: The Trial of a Timelord

Part 2: The Mystery Planet Part 2 of The Mysterious Planet begins where Part 1 ends. The episode originally airs September 13, 1986 (1)  As the story begins, the Doctor is smiling and patting himself on the back. Of course, the Valeyard takes his words and turns them against him. It is at this point the Valeyard wants to change the inquiry into a trial. Because of the Doctor’s attitude, the Valeyard ask the Timelords to change their inquisition into a trial.…

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The Toning Down of the Sixth Doctor’s Coat

Toning Down To a Doctor Who fan the multi-color of Colin Baker’s doctor, is the trademark of the Sixth Doctor. Then toning down might be something some fans will not appreciate. But there are those out there that may be wanting the coat to be a different color or even scheme. The first time I see the coat I think that it is okay and that it would be breathe of fresh air to the show. Well, because of what…

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