past and present

David Tennant Thoughts on Early Life, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Early Life David Tennant early life begins as any other human being. I mean you are not just hatched from an egg or a stork brings you to your parent, lol. He is the child of Dr. Alexander McDoanld and Helen McLeod. His birth place is Bathgate Lothian.(1) I here these names and place of birth and as with other actors and people at times I really want to travel there. This of course is Scotland…

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The Complete Eighth Season

I am trying to monetize my site and offering you Doctor Who items at no cost to you find out how click here. Can you believe it? What I mean is that there has been four Doctors since the revival of the program. The Complete Eighth season brings this reaction, here we go again another Doctor has died and regenerated. I personally am truly worried because the last words the Doctor says to Clara is ” would you happen to…

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The Doctor Can Choose to Settle Down

Settle Down I can say I know a little bit about the Doctor and Doctor Who. Then I read an article on a forum which gives five time the he could have chosen to settle down. I seem to remember a couple of them and really to extent remember them all. These is one of them I particularly remember very well. Therefore that is the one I wish to write about. The point at which I begin watching Doctor is…

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Old School Writer to Write for Moffat

Well, what can I say. This Doctor Who fan from the 1980s forward is really excited about the article I just read. I do know that the special effects from the classic series are not very good, but the stories are usually great. Having an old school writer pen a story for season 10, really gives me something to look forward to. Who Steven Moffat is looking to use, the article says he does not know right now.(1) What I am…

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Out of this World Screwdriver the Sonic Screwdriver

Sonic Screwdriver To me the Sonic Screwdriver is an extremely cool tool. How the people at the BBC or better the producers of Doctor Who devise it, I can’t say. The first time I remember seeing it was during the time of the Fourth Doctor. He seemed to have many different usages for it. He uses it to open door, unlock locks, and many other things that I can’t think of at this moment. Now, I hope everyone knows and…

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Physical Characteristics of the Daleks What We Know

Physical Characteristics   The Physical characteristics of the Daleks are not easy to miss. As a fan, you will know them without a doubt when they appear. After watching the show as long as I have the look of a Dalek is embedded in my mind. This very popular enemy of the Doctor is a one of kind alien, when Nation has the idea to make them they are a big hit. The creature inside the tank like the shell…

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David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor

Tenth Doctor The Tenth Doctor is from my perspective a long way from the First Doctor. When I say that, it is not just in the number of years between the time the show starts until the time the Tenth DOctor enters the picture. If you are fan of Doctor Who, you know that actors and actresses come and go. So, it not any surprise to see a new face from time to time. In 2005, Russell Davies is given…

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What the Heck is going on with the Doctor

What the Heck? Well, well, well, Radio Times interviews Peter Capaldi and asks him five questions. Holy cow, I wonder what is said and how it gives spoiler for season 10. I am so ready for season 10, but whovians will have to wait until Christmas to see the Doctor again. While there is a Christmas special, season 10 will not be seen until April, MAYBE! Maybe April? You mean it maybe later than that. Comeon man, the drought of…

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Cybermen: Cyborg Enemy Part 4 Spinoffs

Cybermen Spinoffs Now, Cybermen spinoffs are cool. Personally, I have not seen or read any of the books mentioned in the article I found the information. The Cybermen are not in motion pictures like the Daleks and it kind of makes you wonder about the popularity, right. Although, the BBC or any other production company has not made a Cybermen movie, does not any way take away from their popularity. Cybermen spinoffs are another way for fans to see and…

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Friend or Foe: The Master

The Master Since I did not begin watching Doctor Who from the beginning, I do not see the Master as he first appears. It is not until I am a teenager and I get to watch Jon Pertwee’s incarnation of the Doctor that I see his original form. As a result, the Master I see is the one which looks like a skeleton played by Peter Pratt.(1) I really like the fact that the show has another Time Lord as…

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