past and present

No Daleks: How Strange Would It Be?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 No Daleks Before anyone gets to upset, please read this article. If you read the article, you will find that there were almost no Daleks in the revived serious. Now, some of you may not be upset, but for the most part, you would have been. For most fans, the Daleks are an integral part of Doctor Who. It does not matter. If Russell T Davies had a replacement for them, it is not going to…

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Too Much: Are All the Changes a Little Overboard

Too Much Having a blog means you write about whatever your passion is. Well, mine is Doctor Who and this season fans watch a completely different show than what they saw the last ten years. This article gives many different changes to Doctor Who which points to those changes being the biggest ever. Even though they are the biggest, there is a question to ask. Are all the changes too much too soon. Everyone who is a fan needs to understand…

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Standalone: Season 11 Won’t Have a Main Story Arc

Standalone Doctor Who fans have for the last thirteen years have watched episodes tied together by a central theme. Which gave them an idea what to look for as the watch? Well, in this article, the producer confirms there isn’t a story arc for Season 11. So, what does this mean to fans? First of all, it means each episode will be standalone. Not having a story arc makes fans ask the question how will this help the show?  Will…

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Teases: Whittaker & Chibnall Tease Fans on Episode 1

Teases Fans of Doctor Who as the premiere of Season 11 nears the BBC is slowly leaking information about Season 11. According to this article by Huw Fullerton of Radio Times, Jodie Whittaker teases fans about some iconic dialogue in The Woman Who Fell to Earth. Now, Whovians are wondering what she means by this? Fans, especially those of the classic series, have so much classic dialogue and new who dialogue it can be. Where did Chibnall go to get…

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Enough: Chris Chibnall Has Heard Enough

Enough Chris Chibnall has heard enough about not having Daleks or Cybermen in Season 11. In this post from Jodie Whittaker’s Facebook page, fans find out why he chose not to have them. Chibnall has every right to go in a different direction. He is the showrunner after all. Yeah, yeah, some fans figure Chibnall will not do a good job, and they have already decided not to watch Season 11. Then there are those who don’t know much about him and…

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Deleted Scenes: Surprises Are All Over

Deleted Scenes Deleted scenes are part of any television show or movie. So, in the article from Radio Times, Huw Fullerton list some from several different stories. Now, fans only see the finished product, and never the scenes the production crew deletes. Of course, there are scenes from almost all if not all episodes, so fans may wonder what they are missing? It is always interesting to find out what scenes the crew deletes. Fans love to see bloopers because most…

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Savior: Ray Winstone Helps Doctor Who With Walsh

Savior Savior seems to a strange word for this, but the title may be given to Ray Winstone. In this article from Radio Times, they mention Walsh could have had doubts about his job on Doctor Who, because of several different reasons. Well, one may want to ask how someone would be called a savior. This is a case of one man being very convincing. Winstone may have had several conversations or just one or even a couple. The article doesn’t…

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Gender: Changing from Male to Female a Small Deal?

Gender For a start, changing the gender of the Doctor does not bother this fan. But there are many Doctor Who fans who say they will not watch Doctor Who with a female Doctor. Well, in this article by Peter Dyke and Ed Gleave, they explain the change from male to female will barely get mentioned. If you remember, as Peter Capaldi changes into Jodie Whittaker the TARDIS explodes into many pieces. And the last thing we see is the Doctor…

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Squelchy: Season 11 Will be Dark, Funny, and Crushing

Squelchy Doctor Who fans are waiting for Season 11 to air, but there doesn’t seem to be much new news about it. Well, in the article from Metro, Adam Starkey description includes the adjective squelchy. So, some fans may wonder what he is talking about after all. If you don’t know what squelch means, well there are three or for good ones. Squelchy is the adjective form of squelch. What is talking about? Is the Doctor and his companions slopping…

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New Monsters: No Daleks or Cybermen in Season 11

New Monsters According to this article, Doctor Who fans are not going to see monsters from the past. But rather there will be new monsters. Why Chris Chibnall chose not to have Daleks or Cybermen as part of this season is beyond me. The idea of not seeing old enemies may be a good thing, then again it may not either. How will fans react? There is an expectation of all fans to see great stories, but what is coming if…

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