
Different: Jenna Coleman’s Return Almost Was Different, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Different This article by Huw Fullerton of Radio Times, speaks about the return of Jenna Coleman was almost different. Steven Moffat leaves Doctor Who as showrunner after the Christmas Special, and we find out from this article he rewrites Clara’s scene several times. Most fans know that she is working on another program called Victoria. Therefore she is busy. Some fans are not keen on Clara, but then there are those who love her. It is…

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Farewell: Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi say Goodbye

Farewell My reflection on Season 10 the farewell of Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi is a tad bit late, but I think I need to express my feelings. I will be honest with everyone here. As far Season 8 and Season 9, I liked Peter Capaldi’s Doctor, but the shows so much. From my standpoint I see these seasons being about Clara and her life. It’s like the Doctor is there but only as a side note. When it comes…

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The Pilot: An Introduction to the First Episode of Season 10

The Pilot The Pilot is episode one for Season 10 of Doctor Who. Hey, you know Clara is gone and that the Doctor doesn’t travel without a companion. There is a carry over from the Christmas Special. Nardole returns for Season 10 and Steven Moffat adds another companion. We will meet Bill, played by Pearl Mackie. I can’t wait to see Bill. The trailers give us a good idea of the way she will be and I find it very…

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My Thoughts on The Return of Doctor Mysterio

Thoughts on Mysterio My thoughts on Mysterio are just that my thoughts. First of all, I can’t believe I actually watched it on Christmas day. Secondly, I believe that the program is all that I expect from Doctor Who and Steven Moffat. What I am about to say can no longer be spoilers. For I believe most everyone were able to see the program on Christmas night. To some extent is does remind me of the time when the Ninth…

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