
Michelle Gomez: Missy the Female Incarnation of the Doctor Best Friend

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Michelle Gomez To tell the truth I think that Steven Moffat casting Michelle Gomez as Missy was really good. I never expected him to bring the Master back as a female. That in itself is a surprise. I really did not know what to think about this or even that it would work. Michelle Gomez is a great actress and I love her as Missy. She continues a long tradition of great Master characters. Her schemes…

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Strange Things Are Afloat in my First viewing of Extremis

Strange As I watch Extremis, and the story progress all I can think is strange. The show last night is a strange roller coaster of a ride. The show totally looks like reality and come find out it is only a dream like sequence. As the last story ends we find that the Doctor is blind and does not tell Bill. Nardol ask him why he hasn’t told Bill and he tells him he does not what Bill to worry…

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Missy Returns to Doctor Who in This Week’s Story with More to Come

Missy Returns Missy returns in this weeks episode. The long wait is finally coming to an end. Missy the Master’s recent form comes back for season 10. I for one am happy to see this. The Master has been a great enemy for the Doctor since his introduction in the 1970s. I love Roger Delgado’s version so much I hate that his life is over from a car accident. The producers possibly could use him more than what they after…

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The Master has Many Faces and here they are!

The Many Faces of the Master Personally, watching the many faces of the Master, makes me want more. I do realize that he may not be the first enemy which appears on the show, but he must be a favorite. Being a Time Lord there is going to be a possibility of a face change from time to time. There are many reasons for the actor playing the Master to change as well. So, I wish to write a little…

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Michelle Gomez to Return As Missy

Michelle Gomez Spoilers are not a new thing and I really do not know if you call this a spoiler. I also do not if you call this a rumor either. Today, while searching for a information for a post I found this. Well, okay I cannot call it a rumor because this information comes straight from the horses mouth, lol. These words are from Michelle Gomez herself. Consequently, I personally can feel some excitement about this. When Steven Moffat…

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