
Affirmative Master: The Tin Dog K-9 Will Return

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Affirmative Master Affirmative Of all the news we have seen and heard, I can say the news of the return of K-9 excite me the most. According to this article, K-9 is returning as a stand-alone hero. If everyone remembers, the BBC tried in the 1980s to have a series with K-9 and Sarah Jane. The name of that one was K-9 and Company, but it failed. I have not seen the pilot or any of the…

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Sarah Jane Smith: A Beloved Companion

Sarah Jane Smith If there is one companion of the classic series I remember the most it is Sarah Jane Smith. She is played by Elisabeth Sladen, and becomes the companion of the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee about a year before he decides to leave the role. She to me does a beautiful job as the Doctor’s companion. We first see her in the story “The Time Warrior” in 1973(1) and she will continue with the Doctor for three seasons.…

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A Scarf Doctor, Tom Baker, History of Doctor Who Part 5

The Scarf The scarf I mention is only used by one Doctor. The Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, made a big splash with the audience of Doctor Who. Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks are both planning on leaving Doctor Who at the conclusion of the Eleventh Season. These men involve themselves in the recasting of the role of the Doctor. They want to make sure that the program gets the best man for the job. So, his successor, Phillip Hinchcliffe will do…

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