Ian Chesterton

The Daleks: The First Serial from 1963

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Daleks The Daleks is the first appearance of this well known enemy of the Doctor. alien enemy of the Doctor make a big splash that continues til today. The first time I see them is during the reign of The Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, in The Genesis of the Daleks. The Doctor leaves the junkyard in London in fear of his new passengers giving away the secret of him being an alien. He does not…

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William Russell aka Ian Chesterton

William Russell William Russell is the man the production crew chooses for the role of Ian Chesterton in 1963. I don’t know the process or the how many men got to audition. So, why they chose him I can’t tell you. I feel that he really must have fit the mold of the person they were casting. Otherwise, they would have give the role to some  else. Consequently with the circumstance surrounding the missing episode and the BBC,  there are…

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