Ian Chesterton

Watching the First Serial of Doctor Who and The Firemaker

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The FireMaker You may wonder why I use the title The Firemaker. I actually sit and watch the the first story of Doctor Who. As I st there and take it all in, to my surprise it is really rather good. Admittedly, the special effects are not the best, but I do have to think about the time and the budget for the show. I wrote about this one time before mostly on what I read about…

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Doctor Who First Doctor: The History of Doctor Who Part 2

First Doctor The First Doctor is a need for the program. I am not a producer or director so how they chose the actor for the job I am not clear on. Verity Lambert is the initial producer for Doctor Who. She and the first serial director Waris Hussein are shouldered with the task of finding the right actor for the Doctor. As a producer and director, there are criterias to meet and go by when casting the First Doctor.…

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The Master has Many Faces and here they are!

The Many Faces of the Master Personally, watching the many faces of the Master, makes me want more. I do realize that he may not be the first enemy which appears on the show, but he must be a favorite. Being a Time Lord there is going to be a possibility of a face change from time to time. There are many reasons for the actor playing the Master to change as well. So, I wish to write a little…

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Doctor Who Origins: The History of Doctor Who Part 1

Doctor Who Origins Doctor Who origins for me is something I will like to know. The picture on this post is the opening scene of the very first serial of the program. The historical value of the Unearthly Child is immense. Doctor Who is such an conic television show that it is now 52 years old. With the 10th season just around the corner, it continues to be a great show and will as long as the BBC decides to…

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Season 1 Serial 5: The Keys of Marinus

Keys of Marinus I have to admit this particular serial is one I have not seen as of this date. My ideas and thoughts on the serial is going to be from any and everything I read on The Keys of Marinus. This particular serial is the fifth of the long running iconic sci-fi television show Doctor Who. After reading one synopsis, I find that this is a very interesting or better description will be sounds very interesting. The format…

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Season 1: Serial 6 The Aztecs

The Aztecs The Aztecs as a serial for Doctor Who is meant as a history lesson for children. The producers and creators want to teach the children of 1963 about different historical aspects of the world. This is the second episode to do this with the first being Marco Polo. I believe the producers and writers follow the early ideas of being a children’s show very well. I believe our children need to know about certain historical events and people…

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Season 1, Serial 4: Marco Polo

Marco Polo There is one thing I know for a fact when it comes to the serial Marco Polo. I have not seen any of the episodes. This maybe the only serial which does not have any footage at all. The information I find it is that all they have are stills and audio recordings.(1) I find that the Doctor Who production team decides to make a serial about a historical figure a great idea. Realizing the show originally is…

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Season 1 Serial 3: The Edge of Destruction

Edge of Destruction As I recall, at the end of the previous story there is an explosion. This explosion knocks out the TARDIS crew. The fact the crew is knocked out leads to plot of the next story in Doctor Who. From my standpoint and what I can conceive. The explosion which takes place causes the crew not to travel anywhere, which means thy spend the whole story in the TARDIS. I don’t know how the people of 1964 actually…

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Vicki the Young Human Girl Who Replaces Susan

  Vicki Well, I really do not know what to say about this Doctor Who companion. Since, the viewing of classic episodes from the first two Doctors are few and far between. Vicki is not one who comes to mind when I think about companions. But she does appear on the in 1965 in the serial The Rescue. Now her time with the Doctor is not one of great length. Therefore, there is not a lot to see of her.…

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