historical events

Season 1, Serial 4: Marco Polo

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Marco Polo There is one thing I know for a fact when it comes to the serial Marco Polo. I have not seen any of the episodes. This maybe the only serial which does not have any footage at all. The information I find it is that all they have are stills and audio recordings.(1) I find that the Doctor Who production team decides to make a serial about a historical figure a great idea. Realizing…

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The Doctor’s Presence in Historical Events Part 1

The Doctor’s Presence in Historical events I watch Doctor Who and I am amazed at the historical events where he ends up. And after seeing the program, it seems like he has a hand in the events. He either has a chance to change the events or stop the events from being changed. So, of course I know all these stories are made up for the entertainment of the viewers and that the Doctor really did not have anything to…

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