female Doctor

Inspirational: Our Beloved Female Companions

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Inspirational The men producing Doctor Who in 1963 may not ever of seen it becoming the global phenomena it has become. At the same time, the idea the Doctor would become a female was even further from their minds. In this article by Jacquline Rayner from Radio Times, she writes about the inspirational female companions the Doctor traveled over the tenure of the show. Honestly, I am not very familiar with some of the companions in the…

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Tom Baker Hoped for a Different Female Lead

Tom Baker Everybody who is a Doctor Who fans knows Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. He was the Doctor for the longest time and may have stayed even longer had there not been any changes. Baker has a different idea when it comes to casting of the female lead. He of course has a right to his own opinion and I suppose his lead will be awesome. I personally will trust this man because of his time on the…

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Never: A Female May Not Have Ever Been Cast if Not For Moffat

Never My thought here is that if Steven Moffat does not change the Master into Missy, we will never see a female Doctor. There are many fans who are outraged by the gender change. And their being angry and upset is understood. I am fan and became a big fan growing up watching the Fourth Doctor. Then over the years, every Doctor before him and after are always males. The idea is that he is a Time Lord and not…

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Who Should be the Thirteenth Doctor: The Questions Arise as People Talk

Thirteenth Doctor The Thirteenth Doctor is really beginning to be the hot topic among Whovians and media. Ever since Peter Capaldi confesses that he is not returning for season 18, the names have flew out from everywhere. Some people want a female for what I suppose is gender equality. Then there are the naysayers who think because the Doctor has always been a man the person playing the Doctor must be a man. What I find amazing about all of…

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Past Doctors are Beginning to Give Their Take on Who Will be the Next Doctor

Past Doctors Speculation began when Peter Capaldi tells the world he is leaving Doctor Who after this year’s Christmas Special. Now even past doctors are getting in on the act. David Tennant and Paul McGann have made their choice for the next Doctor. I realize that twenty or thirty years ago what David Tennant suggest is not a possibility. But in this day I can see it taking place. All we have to do is look at what Steven Moffat…

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Matt Smith hints at Possibility of a Female Doctor

Doctor of Another Gender Man, who in this world will believe that a female will play the main character on Doctor Who. In the past, this is something I see as impossibility. Well, with the way the world view woman in the past is far different than now. Consequently, a female Doctor was out of the question. With changing time there are changing ways. I say this because in the latest series of Doctor Who, it seems hip for Time…

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