Emoji Robots

Smiling Eyes: Don’t Let the Smile in their Eyes Fool You

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Smiling Eyes Smiling eyes are an emoji expression which portrays happiness.  Well, tonight’s episode of Doctor Who has a new monster and I want you to know do not take it lightly. We will see emoji robots tonight, but they are not very friendly. From the trailer, I see that Bill thinks they are cool. On the other hand the Doctor as always sees something different. This could and seems to be a very good story.…

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For Those Who are Curious, We Have a Ideas for What’s Coming in Season 10

What’s coming? I have a subscription to the Doctor Who channel on YouTube and they recently posted a new video. You can see the video above and take your own opinion of what Steven Moffat is doing. I mean from many of the trailers and videos they post. The year is going to be different. What I am supposing and Capaldi says because Pearl Mackie is new Doctor Who. Moffat writes this season for the newbie. Therefore, from this latest…

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