Doctor Who

Watching the First Serial of Doctor Who and The Firemaker, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The FireMaker You may wonder why I use the title The Firemaker. I actually sit and watch the the first story of Doctor Who. As I st there and take it all in, to my surprise it is really rather good. Admittedly, the special effects are not the best, but I do have to think about the time and the budget for the show. I wrote about this one time before mostly on what I read about…

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Doctor Who First Doctor: The History of Doctor Who Part 2

First Doctor The First Doctor is a need for the program. I am not a producer or director so how they chose the actor for the job I am not clear on. Verity Lambert is the initial producer for Doctor Who. She and the first serial director Waris Hussein are shouldered with the task of finding the right actor for the Doctor. As a producer and director, there are criterias to meet and go by when casting the First Doctor.…

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The Master has Many Faces and here they are!

The Many Faces of the Master Personally, watching the many faces of the Master, makes me want more. I do realize that he may not be the first enemy which appears on the show, but he must be a favorite. Being a Time Lord there is going to be a possibility of a face change from time to time. There are many reasons for the actor playing the Master to change as well. So, I wish to write a little…

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Why is the Wait for the Tenth Season so Unbearable?

Unbearable As I sit here a write this post, waiting on the tenth season of Doctor Who is getting unbearable. I mean the Return of Doctor Mysterio was good. At the same time it helps with the longing for new Doctor Who. But I still desire to see new Doctor Who. All the Christmas  special did is make me want to see Doctor Who more. I know it is just a television show, but it is my favorite sci-fi show…

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The TARDIS is not What it Appears on the Outside – The Exterior

If you look at the picture above, the exterior of the TARDIS shows several different looks. The thing to remember though is that the TARDIS is not exactly a Police Box. As a Doctor Who fan, most of us really only know one shape and that is the Blue Police box. After watching “The Name of the Doctor”, we find that the Type 40 appears as a silver-grey cylinder.(1) Of course, this is something most fans really do not know and…

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Class Begins -All the Talk About Class and it is FInally here

Alright, there has been talk about this new Doctor Who spin off. Therefore, I am completely ready for the first episode. Well, I probably will not be able to see it because I live in the US and it will air on the BBC. But that really does not matter. Class begins with a double feature. What I am getting at is the fact that long wait is over for at least some Doctor Who fans. I know there has…

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Doctor Who Origins: The History of Doctor Who Part 1

Doctor Who Origins Doctor Who origins for me is something I will like to know. The picture on this post is the opening scene of the very first serial of the program. The historical value of the Unearthly Child is immense. Doctor Who is such an conic television show that it is now 52 years old. With the 10th season just around the corner, it continues to be a great show and will as long as the BBC decides to…

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Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor, a Tough Choice

Second Doctor Personally, I cannot understand the mess that the producers of Doctor Who see in 1966 in picking the Second Doctor. There is a need to replace the First Doctor, WIlliam Hartnell, but there can’t be someone like him in any way. There is a need for them to find someone that the viewers will trust and actually view. They knew for the show to continue it has to be a versatile actor who the people will love. What…

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Underground Toys Doctor Who Tardis Jumbo Blanket

I am trying to monetize my site and offering you Doctor Who items through affiliate marketing at no cost to you find out how click here. Doctor who TARDIS Jumbo blanket – soft blue Dr. Who Tardis Throw Makes a great gift for any Dr. Who fan Comfortable and cozy micro Rachel blanket measures 50″ x 89″ Soft fleece afghan will surely keep you warm Officially licensed Doctor Who collectible Are you a Whovian or have a child or friend…

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There Has Been 35 Years Since Peter Davidson Became the Doctor

Peter Davidson Peter Davidson starts his reign as the Doctor 35 years ago today. When I start watching the program in 1981, he is not the one being aired on LPB. OF course at the time I also don’t know that the Doctor changes. Then sometime later when I am in high school, I see Peter Davidson for the first time. Peter Davidson’s Doctor is very different from Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor. Peter brings a little more seriousness to the…

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