Barbara Wright

Having an Obsession for Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Is Doctor Who an Obsession? From my stand point and my life I can say for me that Doctor Who does become an obsession. I am one of those people who cannot get enough of this iconic television program. If I really had enough time in the day I would watch it 24/7. Now, you personally might say well that is impossible. And you are right! Everyone on this earth has other obligation and therefore the…

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Jacqueline Hill aka Barbara Wright

Jacqueline Hill This lady, Jacqueline Hill, is one who basically set the standard for companions on Doctor Who. Before I read what I found I didn’t know she is the first companion and is the first one to speak on the series.(1) This is a shock. I feel rather bad because after watching An Unearthly Child I did not notice that. I usually pay more attention to detail than that. Personally I enjoy watching her on Doctor Who. I believe…

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Physical Characteristics of the Daleks What We Know

Physical Characteristics   The Physical characteristics of the Daleks are not easy to miss. As a fan, you will know them without a doubt when they appear. After watching the show as long as I have the look of a Dalek is embedded in my mind. This very popular enemy of the Doctor is a one of kind alien, when Nation has the idea to make them they are a big hit. The creature inside the tank like the shell…

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Personality of the First Doctor

Personality Anyone who watches Doctor Who, can see that the Doctor is mysterious. This seems to be a trait of all incarnations. They really do not give much information about their early lives. I know that he tells us where he is from and his race, but there are other things which we do not know. Since, the beginning of the show, I can say for the First Doctor and maybe the Second Doctor. The mystery is very strong. Then…

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Doctor Who: The Iconic Sci-fi TV Program

Doctor Who My favorite British television show, Doctor Who, is now fifty-three years old or will be on November 23rd of this year. I don’t think the people in BBC would have every believed that the show would make it that look. Consequently neither did the fans. I wasn’t even born when the program first airs, but because of it fandom and popularity it makes in the US. Now, where the people at BBC ever comes up with an alien…

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Creation of the Daleks from Doctor Who

Daleks Creation On the basis of what I have read and seen I want to just say a few things about these popular enemies of the Doctor. Creation of the Daleks comes in 1963.(1) What I find fascinating about the whole the thing is that the producer Verity Lambert pulls the trigger really early. After seeing the first serial An Unearthly Child, the Doctor and his crew are transported to planet of the Daleks. I personally can see and think…

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Daleks: Enemy of the Doctor Part 1

Daleks Where do I start on the Daleks, the first enemy of the Doctor. Doctor Who fans probably love and remember this enemy the most. The Daleks are not very complicated nor pretty, but they are a very big part of Doctor Who. They also are the first evil race the Doctor faces as well as his first enemy. They of course return to the show many more times. Early on in Doctor Who the fans do get to see…

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William Hartnell the 1st Doctor

William Hartnell William Hartnell as the first doctor seems a little strange to me. Consequently, I go and read a write up about him to gain information. Being that I am not a showrunner or producer of a television show I can speak for the original producer of Doctor Who, Verity Lambert. The only comments I can make will be from my standpoint. Then to be honest with you, I do not know what kind of judge I am of…

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Daleks: Sworn enemy of the Doctor Part 8: Other Appearances

Daleks Other Appearances Other appearances of the Daleks is new to me. As a fan, I thought that the television version of Doctor Who is the only vehicle by which fan can see them. Well, I am wrong. As a reader, you may wonder as well why I am wrong. The research I did to see what I could find out about the Daleks led me new information for me. The Daleks are a big part of British pop culture…

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Barbara Wright Second Female Companion

Barbara Wright Jacqueline Hill portrays the Doctor second companion. Her name on the show is Barbara Wright and we see her first as one of Susan’s teachers at Coal Hill school.(1) Along with her colleague Ian Chesterton, through certain circumstance they meet the Doctor and begin travelling with him. It is An Unearthly Child that we meet Barbara Wright. She and Ian notice Susan as an extremely intelligent girl and becomes concerned when she is confused over some of the…

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