13th Doctor

Rumors Are That the New Doctor Has Been Cast

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Rumors Everyone in the Whovian universe is on the edge of there seat waiting the news of who is the new Doctor. Rumors have been circulating for awhile now and speculation is high. There are many different names out there who come up when the media talk about the next Doctor. With the popularity of the show and the iconic history as well, I know there are always going to be rumors. The Radio Times has…

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Changes are Coming: Well That is What is Being Hinted Anyway

Changes If anyone is resistant to changes, I can say I am one of those people. I always think, if it not broken why change it. Well, I think the BBC wants change, because things seem to be broke. For me, outside of this season the last two season with Peter Capaldi are not the best. There are change which need to be made. What these will be I cannot say but I read an article yesterday which made hints…

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When Season 11 Is Aired There Will Be a Whole New Cast and Crew

Season 11 Season 11 is not that far away and there are a few things I know. The production crew will have a new boss, Chris Chibnall. Now, as far the directors and producers other than Chibnall. Things may be the same. This is a change which can be good for Doctor Who and then it may not be good. The hope of me and I am sure other Whovians are hoping for it to be good. I believe there…

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Fan’s View of the Selection of the Next Doctor for Doctor Who

Fan’s View A fan’s view is all this is and all it will be. Therefore, some may agree with it then others may not. So, here we go and this is how I truly feel about this next Doctor thing. As a fan of the show, I always like surprises. With that being said, I know first of all that a regeneration is coming. I know this because Peter Capaldi tells the world in an interview he will not return…

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Uproar Could be Coming if Chris Chibnall Casts a Female as the Doctor

Uproar Uproar may not be the right word for the response of some Doctor Who fans. There is so much talk about the next Doctor being a female, but there are still those who do not want that. From the standpoint of many fans this will be wrong. I wrote about Chris Chibnall not wanting to do anything gimmicky. Now, the idea of a female Doctor can sound like a gimmick. I can also see where those who are pro-female…

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Three Contenders Are Who the Bookies Are Making the Best Odds to be the Next Doctor

Three Contenders Three contenders have emerged from many different actors ad actresses. The bookies are making odds as I write this and they are changing everyday. Some of the names they are making the odds for are unknown to me. I am not really all that familiar with any of them. This is rather strange to me, because I just did not see people placing bets on the next Doctor. I know that people bet on horse races, dog races,…

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Chris Chibnall Really Does Not Know Whether the Next Doctor Will Be Male or Female

Chris Chibnall Chris Chibnall the new showrunner for Doctor Who has his own opinion on a female Doctor. I can say that as far his point of view on the subject. I do stand with him. He makes it clear there isn’t anything ruled out. But at the same time he is not going to do something as a gimmick.(1) There is truth to this. When casting for such an iconic television show, it does not need gimmicks to make it…

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Who Should be the Thirteenth Doctor: The Questions Arise as People Talk

Thirteenth Doctor The Thirteenth Doctor is really beginning to be the hot topic among Whovians and media. Ever since Peter Capaldi confesses that he is not returning for season 18, the names have flew out from everywhere. Some people want a female for what I suppose is gender equality. Then there are the naysayers who think because the Doctor has always been a man the person playing the Doctor must be a man. What I find amazing about all of…

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Speculation: Peter Capaldi is Leaving Who is the Next Doctor

Next Doctor The BBC wants a new era and that is exactly what they will get. Peter Capaldi steps down after the 2017 Christmas Special and now we wonder who the next Doctor will be? This is job for the media and fans both. Apparently the media is already putting odds on who will be the next Doctor. As a result, it seems to becoming something to bet on. I personally don’t know and neither do they. But they want…

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